My bubbe told me to do this after meeting my future wife


Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content Officer

Since joining the Jewish Light, I’ve reflected on my own Jewish experience growing up, and part of that was the Yiddish, my grandparents would use, particularly my maternal grandparents, Mama and Baba. Both would use Yiddish on occasion, and not knowing really what they were saying, I just laughed at how funny they sounded. But some of the words and phrases stuck in my head, and with a bit of research, I think I’ve found what they were saying.

I’ve been married since 1998, but my wife and I have known each other since 1983. After a visit to St. Louis in 1988, Leigh met my Mama for the first time. After that meeting, I was told clearly, that Leigh was the one for me, but because we lived in different cities, and went to different colleges, I was instructed to do the following.