Jewish Jokes: Did you hear the 10-funny things Dr. Ruth said?


Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content Officer

I was recently asked by the mother of an old friend, ‘Why I do a “Jewish Joke of the Day.’ I responded and she thought I should share my answer.

I believe as Jews, we love to laugh. I believe Jews love to laugh at themselves and laugh at the very things we as Jews, identify as being Jewish. I believe we do it out of love, and not with malice. I also believe that in history, we have used humor to add levity to serious Jewish concerns such as war, antisemitism, and the historical mistreatment of our people.

Jewish humor can be difficult to define. As William Novak and Moshe Waldoks write in “The Big Book of Jewish Humor,” it is easier to describe Jewish humor in terms of what it is not than what it is. “It is not, for example, escapist. It is generally not cruel and does not attack the weak or the infirm. At the same time, it is also not polite or gentle,” they wrote.

Not everyone gets every joke or finds every joke funny. If you don’t like Jewish humor because you believe it plays into “tropes” and “stereotypes” you are certainly entitled to that feeling, but please do not read further. Again, you are entitled to not enjoy Jewish humor, just as others are entitled to enjoy it.

If you agree with this definition of why we celebrate Jewish humor, you’re invited to read on. If you have a joke, please email me at [email protected]

Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the beloved and pioneering sex therapist, recently passed away, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking work and memorable humor. To honor her incredible life and unique wit, we’ve gathered some of her funniest quotes that showcase her distinctive approach to discussing intimacy and relationship

  • “Life is too short to have bad sex.” (The Best Book Summary App | Bookey)
  • “In the Jewish tradition of the Bible, it says, ‘Speak to her softly, so that she will want to engage in sexual activity.’ In today’s world, there’s a little bit of a danger in that people don’t really talk to each other. You see couples walking in the street, each one of them texting someone else. That worries me.” (A-Z Quotes)
  • “Skiers make the best lovers because they don’t sit in front of a television like couch potatoes. They take a risk and they wiggle their behinds. They also meet new people on the ski lift.” (A-Z Quotes)
  • “The clocks are changing Saturday night, so it’s the shortest of the year. Doesn’t mean you don’t have time for more than a quickie though!” (Quote Catalog | Find the best quotes.)
  • “You know one of the best things about sex? It’s not hackable even when using a backdoor!” (Quote Catalog | Find the best quotes.)
  • “Valentine’s Day is in the middle of the President’s Day weekend this year. I suggest using a different position each of the three days.” (Quote Catalog | Find the best quotes.)
  • “Talking from morning to night about sex has helped my skiing, because I talk about movement, about looking good, about taking risks.” (A-Z Quotes)
  • “Every person deserves respect.” (BrainyQuote)
  • “I’m old-fashioned and a square.” (BrainyQuote)
  • “Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back from expressing your desires and needs in the bedroom.” (The Best Book Summary App | Bookey)