Bottom of the email photos

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content Officer

Shalom, and welcome to the new archive of all the bottom of the email photos. I get asked about them a lot and if I’m saving them. I wasn’t, but now I am.


Oct. 25

5 years of college, not down the drain, but when I got my diploma my dad said “He graduated magno cum solacio.” (With great relief). Happy 85th Pops!

Oct. 24

My dad 31, and me at 1. 5 at the Folk Festival in Grant Park in Chicago, July 1970.

Oct. 17

How’s this for coincidence: Today is the 43rd anniversary of my bar mitzvah. The announcement appeared on—wait for it—page 43 of the Jewish Light, five months after it happened. And, more importantly, the ad for the Creve Coeur IGA has Dorman’s imported sliced cheeses at $1.29 for a six-ounce package. Check it out!

Oct. 11

Oct. 10

As I mentioned yesterday, I am missing the boy (Max), so I’m digging up what I think are his funniest photos. Here he is making fun of my bald head with his awesome COVID coiffure.


Oct. 9

Your gonna need to click the pic for the full effect. Missing the boy (he’s on the left) as the new Blues season starts, so having fun with his funniest faces the rest of the week.  Go Blues!

Oct. 8

Remembering Gili Adar, who was among the 260 Israelis attending the Nova music festival near Gaza and was murdered by Hamas terrorists. Adar, a beloved counselor at Camp Ben Frankel in the summer of 2017, was 24 years old and from Lapid, a settlement community near Modi’in.

Sept. 30

It’s always good to put on tefillin and recite a bracha with Rabbi Chaim.

Sept. 27

Ah, the good times never stopped at the ole’ “Flaming Pit.” This ad for their new kosher kitchen appeared in the Sept. 26, 1979 issue of the St. Louis Jewish Light.

Sept. 26

So, while I toiled away at the Jewish Light offices, alone, my two fabulous fashion forward colleagues spent the morning at courterire. Not only can’t I pronounce couterier, I clearly can’t spell it either. Also, I didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt.


Sept. 25

Thanks to the Randi Schenberg and the Crown Center team for inviting me join them for the the grand reopening of Crown Center on Tuesday night. The place looks fantastic!

Sept. 23

I finally had the chance to meet Sheila Greenbaum, an absolute powerhouse who’s changed the world. And me? I’m just the guy who thought “Grape Escape” was a wine heist film.


Sept. 20

The St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association (STLRCA) had a new leadership board. From left; Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham, Vice President, Rabbi Karen Bogard, President, Rabbi Scott Shafrin, Treasurer, Rabbi Andrew Terkel, Secretary,  Rabbi Janine Schloss, Immediate Past President.


Sept. 10

Nothing like a good ole sidewalk chalk poll to make you smile on your afternoon walk.

August, 4

⚠️ Warning⚠️ staring too long at this image may cause intense brisket cravings: This is 1/2 lb of dry rubbed, hickory smoked, sliced brisket from Bootleggin’ BBQ. Needless to say this hearty sandwich can be a two-day meal. Click here to see this sandwich better. 

Do you have a favorite sandwich? Send us a pic to: [email protected] (Jordan Palmer)

Aug 1

Day 4 of the “Great BrewHop 2024” finds us in Denver. Who knew so many Jewish former St. Louisans call Denver home. 

From left: Jim Cohen, grew up in Chesterfield and AEPi brother at Arizona. Rachael Solomon, lifelong friend and fellow ’86 Ladue grad. Angie Mestman Offstein, lifelong friend, Ladue ’87. Randy Offstein, lifelong friend, Ladue ’87. The Lovely Leigh Eisen Palmer, Old guy with beard, Ladue ’86. Morris Askenazi, lucky guy who married Barb Steinberg Ashkenazi, lifelong friend, Ladue ’86.

July 30

I’m calling this picture “G-d’s Work.” Shoshone Falls, often referred to as the “Niagara of the West,” is a stunning waterfall on the Snake River and the highlight of day 2 of ‘The Great Brew Hop 2024.’ Koto Brewing was amazing too.  Next stop, Park City, Utah, which is one of eight states that AP does not abbrevieate.

July 29

This week, I’m driving my daughter’s car home from Bellingham, WA. I’m calling it “The Great Brew Hop 2024.” I’ve never told you, but I’m also a beer writer and plan to visit many iconic breweries for the first time. Here we are are at the Deschutes Brewery in Bend. OR.  Next stop, Twin Falls, ID.

July 17




July 16

A moment of zen in North Carolina.

July 9

Disney artist and writer Roy Williams, right, with a drawing of Donald Duck. Donald’s 25-year-old voice, Clarence \”Ducky\” Nash, is pictured with a Donald Duck dummy. Both were in Springfield for the promotion of the feature film 101 Dalmatians. Nl Feb 1961 027 Disney artist and writer Roy Williams, right, with a drawing of Donald Duck. Donald’s 25-year-old voice, Clarence \”Ducky\” Nash, is pictured with a Donald Duck dummy. Both were in Springfield for the promotion of the feature film 101 Dalmatians.

June 4

I have often said, “You can find a Jewish story anywhere, if you just look and listen. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you the incredible Jewish story of this Cadillac, I found hanging on a wall inside the Nashville Honky-Tonk I went to to celebrate my first Rockower awards.

May 21

That mean guy is not only mean, but wrong. Thanks to all 7,808 Morning Light subscribers for waking up and starting your day with us.




May 14

I hearby declare that the Tuesday after Mother’s Day now be known as “Mom 2’s-Day”, pun-intended, in honor of all those Mom 2’s who helped raise us to be the wonderful, upstanding people we are today. My Mom 2 was Cecile Raskas (L). She was an amazing Mom 2. And her daughter Tina, (R) was the best big sister ever.


May 6

An ad for “Damn Yankees” at the Muny, starring Vincent Price and Michele Lee in 1978.  It was my first Muny show ever. I was 9.

April 18

Thanks to all of you who attended the first annual Passover Project. It was all the brainchild of my colleague Ellen Futterman, and she rocked it.

April 17

I completely forgot my fear of heights when I took this birds-eye pic of the renovation progress at Powell Hall. More info coming soon. I’m also afraid of widths.

April 15

Since joining the Jewish Light, I give back $1.00 a day to the paper or $365 a year. Now, I’m donating $5.00 per mile I hike this year, with a goal of reaching a minimum of 75 miles. So, far I’ve got 12 down. I’ll keep you posted right here. If you would like to follow along, find me on the All Trails and / or Runkeeper apps.  

If you would interested in matching me,or just supporting the effort and the Jewish Light, visit our donation page anytime.

April 8

Got a chance to watch and listen to the Brothers Lazaroff as they rehearse for our upcoming “Passover Project” at City Winery to benefit the Jewish Light: Info and ticket info here!

March 25

Anyone remember shopping at “Food For Less?”

March 3

Hope you got outside and enjoyed the beaufiful weather this weekend. This is a shot of the Meramac River from the Deer Run Trail in Steelville, Mo.


Feb. 29

According to our crack team of researchers, the Jewish Light has published only once on Feb.29, in over 70 years. It happened in 1984.

Feb. 16

If you can get a friend or two to sign up for the Morning Light Email right now we promise to hop in the DeLorean and bring back all the “leisure suits” and sell them at the advertised prices from this 1976 ad.


Feb. 13

Speaking of Mazel’s, on this date in 2002, the Jewish Light published this Simcha, honoring Lillian and Isadore Weiss on their 74th anniversary!

Feb 9

19911991 23 Jan 1991, Wed St. Louis Jewish Light (St. Louis, Missouri)

Feb 7

Organizers of the 1986 St Louis Jewish Book Festival check over books in preparation of the event.

Feb. 6

Mom! Look what I made with AI.

Feb. 5

Scout Shabbat 2024 – Congregation Temple Israel, February 2, 2024
Back Row: Kenneth Etter, Advisor to the GSLAC Jewish Committee on Scouting; Earl Binder, Chair GSLAC Jewish Committee on Scouting; Kevin and Meredith Daniels
Front Row: Owen Daniels, Liam Daniels (Aryeh Emblem recipient), and Nathan Daniels

Jan. 31

Wanna getaway? Check out this ad from Brentwood Travel, which appeared in the Jan. 31, 1968 issue of the Jewish Light.


Jan. 29

Jan. 26

Jan. 19

Shabbat, April 6, 1990. Tucson, AZ.

Jan. 18

40 years ago today, the Jewish Light featured this photo of Richard Stein (L), the president of the Jewish Light Board, and Bob Bernstein (R) co-chair of the Super Sunday JFed campaign. Bob was my first-grade OAA soccer and softball coach. Both teams never lost a game.

Jan. 17

Terrible pic, but this is Brothers Lazaroff on stage last night for their Tuesday Residency to benefit Joe’s Cafe. They will be playing the  next two Tuesdays. Check ’em out. Tickets are available here in a “pay what you can” donation.

Jan. 5

More horrible eyeglass choices from the 80s. Now, interesting side note. My friend here, Wendy Bookbinder Finn’s daughter, Danielle was a Modern Orthodox high school singer featured on American Idol in 2022. I wrote about her here.

Dec. 21

So, the 19-year-old college sophomore son, Max, mentioned that he was “tired of seeing his sister each morning at the bottom of the Morning Light.” I said, “I hear you loud and clear.” So, here’s a picture of baby Mallory, cute as a button with Leigh @2003ish.

Dec. 20

When it gets below 3o-degrees, I think of soup and Florida.

Dec. 8

I’m full service when it comes to Hanukkah happiness.

Dec. 7

Yesterday, I joined other members of the Jewish St. Louis professionals (JProSTL) for a Hanukkah get together. Thanks to Avital Kadosh for chosing me to a part of her ‘Human Hanukkiah’ to remind us all how to light the candles. Go candle #8!

Dec. 5

Thinking of the family of Barry Freedman. Barry’s beloved wife of 44-years, Ava Ehrlich gave me my first job at KSDK in 1992. I think I even baby sat her sons, who spoke so beautifully today at the service to remember tbeir dad’s incredible life.

Dec. 4

That best friend who comes home, and is so darn good-looking that even when you put him out of focus, he still is more handsome than you. Don’t you hate that guy?


Nov. 10

Happy birthday mom!

Nov. 6

Let’s end today’s email with a smile, and few have a more beautiful one that 4 year-old Maddie Palmer. Maddie and I celebrated my niece and her cousin’s Bat Mitzvah this weekend, our last for 9 years when Maddie gets the call.


Nov. 3

The joke was supposed to be, me fake taking a photo of Michael Staenberg and the lovely Leigh, but really take a photo of myself taking a photo of them. But, I clearly screwed that up, so here you go. Congrats to the St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum on launching the Lutz Humanitarian Award last night.

October 23

My view of the Missouri River, from where I hiked Sunday to think things over.

October 19

October 18

If today’s your birthday too, Happy Birthday!

October 16

Last week WashU students held an impromptu vigil at the outset of the war in Gaza on the steps of Brookings Hall. They set 144 candles, twelve for each tribe of Israel, in the shape of a star of David. This picture went viral on social media.

So ready for a beard trim.

October 3

So, ran into a lifelong friend, Jill Frishman (top center) last weekend. She told me to take a good look at our third-grade picture, which I happened to have on me. She asked me if I noticed anything or anyone missing. Like a kick to the head.  Our teacher, Ms. McMillian isn’t in the picture! BTW, I’m bottom row, wearing my Six Million Dollar Man shirt on picture day.

October 2

You know, I’ve played drums since I was 10 and no one ever took a picture of me as cool as this one taken by Julie Emert Yawitz of Hyper Ambition drummer Jennifer Deutsch. The band opened Oktoberfest at Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. on Saturday. I believe this was the band’s first public gig. Rock on dudes!

September 29

A huge thanks to the Riverfront Times and Executive Editor and Mensch-in-Chief Sarah Fenske for the super kind shoutout in their annual “Best Of” issue this week.

September 26

Parents’ Day Saturday at Missouri S&T. The boy is off to a good start to his sophmore year. Whew!

September 21

St. Louis brothers Harry and Nathan Dunie founded Dunie’s downtown deli in 1912. Their niece Johanna Hofstein took it over after World War II. She and her husband Jerry ran it together until 1964 when Jerry died. Johanna ran the popular downtown deli until 1990.

September 20

September 19

I can’t believe I forgot to tell you all the big news. The big news that made my wife scream uncontrollably, forcing me to grab a baseball bat because I thought we had an intruder.  Our mugshot photo, from our summer trip to North Carolina finally made it on Sunday Today with Willie Geist. (Top right)   Yes, that made Leigh scream. Thanks, Willie!

September 14

Hard to believe I was the Bat Mitzvah dad 9 years ago today.

September 13

I’m hoping they don’t sell any “My Editor-in-Chief went to Edinburgh Castle and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” t-shirts. Because if they do, Ellen Futterman is bringing me back one.

September 12

The Palmer puppers, Cody (l) and Lucy (r) have been awfully itchy lately, but they just plopped themselves down at the vet’s office and waited their turn. Such good puppers.


September 10, 2023

Me and the old man at the Clayton Art Fair. Love you dude.

September 7, 2023

That look you get when you try a vanilla egg cream for the first time, and you can’t believe it hasn’t been in your life until now. This all went down on Sunday at the Fountain on Locust. (Leigh Palmer)

August 22, 2023

If you’re ever at the Tower Grove Farmer’s Market, be sure to say hello.


Thinking a lot about life lately. Thinking about friends, family, the past..lot’s of stuff. This pic is, and I can’t believe I’m typing this, 48 years old. I’m holding the ball. My buddy Evan Buxner is in the top left.
Today, I’m thinking about him and his family.

July 23

July 11

Today, I got to meet and learn the story of Anne Skorecki Levy, a Holocaust survivor fron New Orleans who transformed the horrors of her childhood into a passionate mission to defeat the political menace of reputed neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

June 20

Jordan Palmer, Rush Chairman. Damn good to meet you.

May 17

With everyone posting graduation photos, my kids didn’t believe I ever did…. So there. University of Arizona ’91. Mom! Open your eyes. I did it.

May 15

May 9

April 28

Scott Mannis, Me, Jeff Bernstein and Steve Schraibman. Guessing from my shirt, this was 1990ish.

April 26

Checking out the new venue, The Garage downtown and raising money for Mission STL.

April 24

Remember The Oak Tree. That’s where I bought that Fedora in 1983ish.


April 20

Nanci Neuman Kavich and me. BBYO function in 1983

April 12

In this 1975 image, Vivian Zwick, newly elected president of the Light board of trustees, presents a bound volume of the previous year’s issues to her predecessor, Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin. With them (from left) are Robert A. Cohn, editor-in-chief; David Rabinovitz, secretary; Morris H. Sterneck, treasurer; and vice presidents Frank Roth, Joseph J. Edlin and Michael N. Newmark. Photo by Peter Ferman


February 19

January 16

The good folks at Union Bagel, which expect to open next month in Webster Groves, held a soft opening on National Bagel Day on Sunday, forgive my son Max’s non-smile, but the bagels and lox were tremendous, and I cannot wait for them to open for real. “Max – remember I put you in my morning email, so next time, try to smile. – Love dad.

January 13


January 12

Just a friendly reminder from one college dad to any others. Don’t forget to pay the winter tuition.


January 11

Please say hello to my newest pal, Georgie. Not George, not Georgette, Georgie. This dude is what we call a Wonderhound, because, well he’s a beagle/ hound mix, and he’s wonderful. He has been hanging out with his human Karen Aroesty for 2.5 years and overall I think he’s pretty cool. I mean look at that stare. He’s just oozing cool.

January 10

January 9

Hope you had a blessed and warm weekend, and here’s to a great week.



January 6

I took some time off and missed the chance to wish my in-laws, Ann and Robert Eisen a happy 59th anniversary.
Happy Anniversary you crazy kids.

January 5

My name is Kylo Sparks. I am a rescue poodle that my family adopted 7 years ago. They employ me to oversee the overall management of the household, security and child-rearing. I put my 2 human children to bed every night with my mom, Carly, and then join her and my dad in bed. I also go on neighborhood watch patrol walks every day. I alert my humans to any suspicious behavior.

January 4

This is an actual cut-out-story from 1973 saved by Mark Koritz, photographed, and emailed eventually to Bonnie Solomon who sent it to me. Bonnie, thanks for sharing and allowing me to rewrite the headline for 2023.

Bonnie Solomon, Mark Koritz head B’nai B’rith Metro Campaign


January 2

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2023.

The St. Louis Jewish Light

November 18, 2022

Sorry to interrupt this morning’s email, but I need to parent real quick.
Message to Max. Find a place to get your haircut at school. This is the last time I drive to pick you up and bring you home just to get a haircut.
Love Dad.

November 17, 2022

Every month I get a beard trim. It’s like a spa day for me. I go to Dapper Gents in Ladue, (ask for Carrie). But the reason you’re looking at a sandwich is that even though I brought my lunch, by the time I was nearing my appointment at 11:50, I got so hungry, I knew I wouldn’t make it through my 1-hour haircut/beard trim. (No jokes about my “lack of hair.”) Anyway with 15 minutes till my appointment, I ran into Companion Bakery, and had the absolute best sandwich, “The Frenchie.” It is my sandwich of the year.

November 16, 2022

Dear Ziggy,
My name is Adrienne and I’m on the left.
And, my name is Jimmy Buffett, I’m the handsome dude on the right.
We are both domestic short hairs, adopted 6 years ago by our human Karen Comensky.
Karen will tell you that Adrienne is bossy, Ziggy, but believe me, it’s not true.

November 15, 2022

I would just love to meet the copywriter of this gloriously funny advertisement from the February 1, 1967 issue of the Jewish Light. Let’s note, that all average students need to be accompanied by two average parents. Also, brilliant use of the P.S.


November 14, 2022

With the sudden return of winter, it was a great weekend to relax, read and slurp soup. So we did all of the above.


November 11, 2022

By day Ellen Futterman is the mild-mannered Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish Light. By night, she becomes a super interviewer. Last night at the Jewish Book Festival, she led the conversation with Julia Haart, author of “Brazen” and the Netflix show, “My Unorthodox Life.”

November 10, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom! 
And yes, I’m wearing the same shirt from the Monday picture, just 1 year apart. It’s a great shirt.

November 9th, 2022

Hi Ziggy,
This is our nice Jewish dog, Scout Bernstein. She likes to romp around in the backyard with her best Buddy and next-door neighbor, Mario Levy (another nice Jewish dog). One is a vicious beast. The other is a pit bull. Both rescues!
Jennifer Knopf Bernstein
Send your pics to [email protected]

November 8th, 2022

You know, I dug out the old Bar Mitzvah album last week, I post up a picture with possibly my worst haircut ever and invite the entire St. Louis Jewish community to join me in celebrating what we all looked like back in the day. I got two emails. That ain’t cuttin’ it folks. I need you to work with me, just like: (from left) (half face) Chris Huddleston, Brad Seigel, Kurt Wulfert, Steve Schraibman, Barbie Epstein, Aimee Kornblet Harris, Barbara Steinberg Askenazi, Elizabeth Exarhou, Cathy Summers, Brian Bruce, Ron Miller, Eric Dillner, all did as I was break dancing on the dance floor.
Email me your pics or your kid’s pics to [email protected]