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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Jewish Pop Culture

Downtown St. Louis’ concrete floodwalls get fresh artwork each year during Paint Louis, which brings graffiti and street artists to the city each year. The scene above was captured in November 2018. (Bill Motchan)

Paint Louis commemorates 25 Years of street art: ‘Seen by everyone, owned by no one’


This weekend marks the event’s 25 anniversary of Paint Louis, the annual global community event, and celebration of graffiti and mural art. The event takes place along the floodwalls of downtown St. Louis. It brought together graffiti and street artists...

Kami Maltz can sound like a younger version of Joni Mitchell, who is one of her musical influences. Photo by Zohar Raft.

Meet this Jewish singer blessed with a voice like Joni Mitchell

By Alan Zeitlin, JNSPublished August 31, 2022
Sounding like a young Joni Mitchell, this Brooklynite has a blessed voice.
Courtesy of Milkweed Editions

Jewish author Ken Kalfus’ new novel will keep you up at night

By Irene Katz Connelly, The ForwardPublished August 30, 2022
In '2 A.M. in Little America,' the author imagines the nation thrown into chaos by civil war
Diane von Furstenberg

Renowned Jewish fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg coming to St. Louis

Ellen Futterman, Editor-in-ChiefPublished August 30, 2022

Hey fashionistas, here’s something to get excited about: Diane von Furstenberg’s visit to St. Louis. The renowned Jewish fashion designer, businesswoman, author and philanthropist, among numerous other distinctions, is coming to town for a talk and...

Final 5 episodes of the New Black drop Aug. 31

Final 5 episodes of the New Black drop Aug. 31

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content OfficerPublished August 30, 2022

American audiences have long been fascinated by TV series exploring life in the Orthodox Jewish community. Be it the storied “Shtisel” or Brooklyn’s “Unorthodox”, these tales have typically taken a searingly dramatic look at the Hasidic way...

Paul Schoomer (center), is shown at his University City bookstore, Paul’s Books, with Tsila and Howard Schwartz in 1983 at a book event for Howard Schwartz’s book ‘Elijah’s Violin and Other Jewish Fairy Tales.’  Schoomer died Aug. 13.   JEWISH LIGHT File photo: David Henschel

Paul Schoomer: An appreciation

By ROBERT A. COHN, Editor-in-Chief EmeritusPublished August 29, 2022

When a person is 14 years old, death is a certainty, but it is kept at a safe distance. But when one is 80-plus, nearly every day a family member or friend passes away, which reminds us of our mortality and of the importance of appreciating life, health...

The crazy story of Jewish hustler ‘Crazy Eddie’ finally to be told

The crazy story of Jewish hustler ‘Crazy Eddie’ finally to be told

STEPHEN SILVER, JTAPublished August 29, 2022

(JTA) — Crazy Eddie was a consumer electronics empire built on hype. Entrepreneur Eddie Antar grew his chain of discounts stores in the New York of the 1970s with unforgettably loud TV commercials, a reputation for low prices and a compelling story...

Amy Fenster Brown (left) writes, "My BFF Nancy isn't actually taller than me, I just put her on a pedestal.

School is back in session; life lessons begin

Amy Fenster Brown, Special For The Jewish LightPublished August 29, 2022

The majority of St. Louis area students are back at school. That routine brings a good amount of order back into families’ lives. While most kids don’t love mornings getting ready and evenings doing homework, structure is actually really helpful to...

Abbi Jacobson stars in and is co-creator of the Amazon Prime series ‘A League of Their Own.’  
Photo: Anne Marie Fox/Prime Video

From ‘GOT’ prequel to ‘League of their Own’ TV adaptation, Jewish celebrities are in the limelight

NATE BLOOM, Special For The Jewish LightPublished August 25, 2022

“The House of Dragon,” a 10-episode prequel to the mega-hit series “Game of Thrones” (“GOT”), began streaming (HBO) on Sunday, Aug. 21. It is set 200 years before the events in GOT. As the series opens, the Seven Kingdoms (on the continent...

A ‘make-believe’ band of Orthodox Jewish rockers finds real-life success

A ‘make-believe’ band of Orthodox Jewish rockers finds real-life success

Alan Zeitlin, JTAPublished August 25, 2022

(New York Jewish Week) — The hippy-ish, bearded Jewish bandmates who call themselves “Shlepping Nachas” came together in 2019 in Meron, a pilgrimage site in northern Israel where religious Jews gather to mark the holiday of Lag B’Omer. Three of...

New trauma-sensitive approach for aiding Holocaust survivors transforms how care is delivered 

New trauma-sensitive approach for aiding Holocaust survivors transforms how care is delivered 

Published August 25, 2022

Picture this scenario: An 89-year-old Holocaust survivor lies on his back while a white-coated dentist with pliers approaches, preparing to pull an infected tooth. Feeling frail, helpless and a little confused, the survivor flashes back to Nazi medical...

Photos: Your back to school pics!

Photos: Your back to school pics!

Published August 24, 2022

This week the St. Louis Jewish Light wished everyone a happy first week of school and a good year. We asked you all to send us your back-to-school pictures and many of you did. It's not too late to be added to our gallery below. Send us your pictures...

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