The story behind this viral photo of groundbeef dreidels, menorahs

Photo Courtesy of Mendy Herz.

If you have not yet run across this image on social media, give it a few hours, it’s coming.

The image featuring “Chanukah Sliders” shows ground meat in the shape of dreidels, and if you look closely at the bottom, you’ll see menorah’s as well.

Photo Courtesy of Mendy Herz.

The photo was taken by an employee at the KolSave Market a Kosher grocery store in Lawrence, New York. The practice of creating dreidel and menorah-shaped patties for “Chanukah Sliders” began 11 years ago, but only this week did the photos go viral on social media.

“I believe we saw a company make a menorah/dreidel design out turkey deli meat,” said Mendy Herz, the manager at KolSave. “We thought it was cute, so we right away used holiday cookie cutters for it until we had a burger plate made for it on our burger press machine.”


Fast forward to now, and the latest image has sparked interest and is being shared all across social media.

​”We are pretty active on social media and we post quite often, we also have a lot of fun finds in our store, more than your typical kosher store overall, so this wasn’t a surprise perse to us, but to see it go viral, I got it from friends in Israel, Detroit, etc, so it’s was pretty cool,” said Herz.

So, will dreidel / menorah-shaped sliders soon become a staple in our Chanukah menus? Herz hopes the answer is yes.

“Absolutely!  Sliders are always a fun party item, gets the kids interested in eating instead of “just a plain old burger. It’s another themed item for your Chanukah party. It’s all in good fun and adds to the Chanukah spirit. 😄 Now can we please have someone make a bun that fits!! 😄 ”