Meaning: All dressed up to the nines—sometimes a little too fancy for the occasion.
How My Bubbe Would Use It: “Look at Jordan, going to the grocery store farpitzed like he’s accepting an Oscar… for Best Bag of Chips! Oy, such a matzav!”
Since joining the Jewish Light I’ve reflected on my own Jewish experience growing up and part of that was the Yiddish my grandparents would use, particularly my maternal grandparents whom I affectionately named Mama (bubbe) and Baba.
Both would use Yiddish on occasion. Not really knowing what they were saying, I just laughed at how funny they sounded. But some of the words and phrases stuck in my head. With a bit of research, I think I’ve found what they were saying.
We’d hear this when one of us was just acting like a nincompoop.
Which translates into:
Past Yiddish with from Clara Deitchman
We would hear this after she’d cook a meal and someone would complain
We would hear this during a thunderstorm
My bubbe was not a fan of bad weather, especially thunder storms with lightning.
Jordan worked at KSDK from 1995 to 2020. Jordan is a three-time Emmy award winner who produced every kind of show from news to specials during his tenure, creating Show Me St. Louis, The Cardinal Nation Show. He started in 2001 and won three Edward R. Murrow Awards for journalistic and website excellence in 2010, 2014 and 2020.
Jordan has been married for 25 years and is the father of two college students. He is an avid biker, snowboarder, and beer lover. He created the blog, focusing on the St. Louis beer community in 2015. Jordan has an incredible and vast knowledge of useless information and is the grandson of a Cleveland bootlegger.