Prenatal pump-up

By Cathleen Kronemer, NSCA-CPT, Certified Health Coach

As many of you know, becoming a first-time grandma is quite an experience.  Not even raising your own children prepares you for the transformation of your child into a parent.  It is a glorious thing. 

Our daughter had been an avid exerciser for years, and pregnancy was not about to stop her.  She continued to engage in her usual yoga, weights, and hiking for as long as possible throughout the course of 9 months.  However, today she experienced one of those “I sure wish I had known about that before” moments.  She suggested I share her observations with you.

Our little granddaughter, like all 2-month-old infants, has her fussy moments.  When this occurs, her mommy walks around with her, bounces her, and cradles her in 1 arm while attempting to get the little lady to take a bottle with her other hand.  If this sounds like a challenge, it truly is…as well as quite taxing on certain muscles.

The observation of all of this multi-tasking led to the realization that someone needs to inform potential new mothers of exactly what muscles they need to strengthen, during pregnancy or before.  So much attention seems to be focused on pregnant women remaining safely active, staying adequately nourished and hydrated, and preparing for childbirth.  It is time to zone in on the real-life scenarios that come after delivery, especially in terms of the muscles involved in the tasks ahead.


Cradling a baby with a single arm, supporting the head and neck, places a significant load on the bicep and shoulder muscles. Bouncing the infant to facilitate a burp or simply to calm her relies on strong quadriceps muscles.  Walking around the house for countless sleepless hours can wreak havoc on the muscles in the lower back if they have not been appropriately strengthened prior to the blessed little one’s arrival. 

A comprehensive prenatal exercise program could easily incorporate exercises for these specific muscle groups, while keeping mom’s health and safety in mind. Shoulders respond quite well to shrugs while holding heavy dumbbells.  Dumbbell front raises, too, will encourage muscular development in the anterior head of the deltoid.  

A basic bicep curl, executed either with dumbbells or a barbell, will strength the arms that will be supporting an ever-increasing weight as baby grows.  Muscular endurance will be required here, so a program of lighter weights and higher volume is a prudent approach. 

Quadriceps can be cultivated by performing stationary or walking lunges. Again, high volume is the key here, using little or no weight during the motion.  Good form on these lunges can also help strengthen the lower back.

The best ally an expectant mother can have is good posture. As the months go by, it is easy to see how the load in front of the body causes the back to compensate, and not in a safe way. Pulling in the abs and keeping the hips in alignment will ensure that the lower back acquires the stability it will soon need. 

The birth of a baby is always a miracle and a gift.  So, too, is the opportunity to learn from one’s adult children.  Never pass it up.  Similar to young teens — surprise, surprise — grandmas do not always have all the answers!!