JCC’s Kitchen J plans Passover seder for community

Kitchen J is taking reservations for the First Seder of Passover, Friday, April 6, at the Covenant I Dining Room. Seniors are invited to include their families and friends for the recounting of the story of the Exodus from Egypt over a great meal. The seder will begin at 4:30 p.m. 

The meal and reading of the Passover Haggadah is led by a community volunteer, with involvement from those in attendance. Seder plates and the meal are prepared by Kitchen J (formerly the JCC Nutrition Department). The seder’s kosher menu for Passover includes matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, roast beef, potato kugel, carrots, sponge cake with strawberries and matzah.  


Cost for the Seder for those 60 and older is $3 with a suggested donation of $3.50. For those 59 and younger the cost is $11. RSVPs are only final upon payment and must be made by March 28 by calling Erin Whitham at 314-442-3149. 

This program is presented through a joint effort of the JCC’s Kitchen J and the Community Aging Corporation.The Covenant House Dinner Program is made possible by funding by the Mid-East Area Agency on Aging (MEAAA) and the Jewish Federation. The Passover Seder is made possible through the support of Moas Chitim Fund of the Vaad Hoeir.