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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Chabad invites St. Louis Jews to multiple community Passover seders

Chabad invites St. Louis Jews to multiple community Passover seders

Published April 5, 2022

As Passover approaches and the world grapples with the largest humanitarian refugee crisis in decades, the five Chabad affiliate centers in St. Louis region are joining Chabad centers in Europe and around the world in announcing that all are welcome at...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

D’var Torah: Happy Birthday to us, no matter how we count months

Rabbi Josef DavidsonPublished March 31, 2022

Living in a Western culture as we do, most of us mark time according to the Gregorian calendar, a strictly solar calendar in which the new year begins every Jan. 1, that month being the first month in a 12-month series spanning 365 days. There is a slight...

New haggadahs for 2022: politics, pop culture, art, history, QR codes and more

DAVID A.M. WILENSKY, J. WeeklyPublished March 30, 2022

Over the centuries, the Passover seder — and reading from its guidebook, the haggadah — has proven to be among the Jewish people’s most malleable rituals. In the hands of scholars, artists, writers and every kind of Jew in between, the haggadah...

Wednesday's Passover Recipe Spectacular #3

Wednesday’s Passover Recipe Spectacular #3

CHANIE APFELBAUM, The NosherPublished March 29, 2022

This article first appeared on The Nosher. Passover Stuffed Cabbage Rolls There’s nothing like Passover to remind us where we come from. In many Jewish homes, Passover traditions are carried down from father to son, establishing the family’s customs...

Why this Holocaust survivor wears the same hand-knit sweater every Passover

Why this Holocaust survivor wears the same hand-knit sweater every Passover

By Tanya Singer, JTAPublished March 29, 2022

(New York Jewish Week) — Every Passover for the last 75 years, Helena Weinstock Weinrauch, a 97-year-old Holocaust survivor, has worn a vibrant blue hand-knit sweater to the first seder, which she hosts in her Upper West Side apartment building. The...

OMG! This Passover chocolate toffee matzo recipe is delicious!

Rhonda Albom, Special For The Jewish LightPublished March 23, 2022

Click here for a printable version of this recipe Let’s face it, matzo is not the most exciting of foods. That is, until now. Imagine that crispy cracker dipped and covered in gooey caramel and rich chocolate. What do you think? Does chocolate toffee...

D'var Torah by Rabbi Carnie Rose: Dedication to community serves divine purpose

D’var Torah by Rabbi Carnie Rose: Dedication to community serves divine purpose

RABBI CARNIE SHALOM ROSEPublished March 23, 2022

“Now Aaron’s sons Nadav and Avihu each took his fire pan, put fire in it, laid incense on it, and offered before God alien fire, which had not been enjoined upon them. And fire issued forth from God and consumed them. Thus, they died at the instance...

Wednesday Passover Recipe Spectacular #2

Wednesday Passover Recipe Spectacular #2

SHANNON SARNAPublished March 22, 2022

Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies This article first appeared on The Nosher. I love it when people taste my pareve desserts and say, “Wow—this is pareve!?” It’s the same rule with Passover dishes and desserts. Which is why I am on a...

In Ukraine, much of the world’s matzah supply is under fire

Mira Fox, The ForwardPublished March 18, 2022

This story was originally published on March 17, by the Forward. Sign up here to get the latest stories from the Forward delivered to you each morning. Before the Holocaust, Dnipro, a city in eastern Ukraine on the Dnieper River, had a rich Jewish...

The Passover pajamas you didn't know you needed

The Passover pajamas you didn’t know you needed

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content OfficerPublished March 18, 2022

This past Hanukkah I agreed to do this. Those are my Hannukah pajamas, and as a non-pajama-wearing guy, I'm now in love with my matching Hanukkah pajamas. So, I guess you could say, I'm all in on whatever comes next. What's Coming Next Your...

D'var Torah: We have a duty to act for justice in the world

D’var Torah: We have a duty to act for justice in the world

RABBI JEFFREY ABRAHAMPublished March 17, 2022

Turbulent times demand that we take action. Parashat Tzav follows Purim by one day, both of which “demand action.” In the Megillah, Haman reveals his diabolical plan to exterminate the Jews of Persia, and Mordechai instructs Esther to immediately...

Wednesday Passover Recipe Spectacular #1

Wednesday Passover Recipe Spectacular #1

Published March 14, 2022

These Passover Pancake Noodles are Better Than Matzah Balls Last April, as the pandemic raged in my area, I opened my front door to my dear friend Natalie, who literally threw at me from a distance a plastic sandwich bag containing her family’s cherished...

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