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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Family + Parenting

Nominations are open for Amy’s Mom Awards

Nominations are open for Amy’s Mom Awards

AMY FENSTER BROWN, Special to the Jewish LightPublished June 29, 2022

As I write this, I’m watching the Tony Awards, where Broadway artists are honored for their outstanding work. I love awards shows so much: the celebrities, the fashion, the speeches in which the winners act like they’re surprised to be revered because...

Deanna Shoss and Jerry Witkovsky are the authors of  “Where Two Worlds Meet: A Guide to Connecting With Your Teenage Grandchildren.”

Two worlds don’t have to collide: A guide for grandparents of teens

ELLEN FUTTERMAN, Editor-in-ChiefPublished June 29, 2022

As a grandma with two amazing granddaughters, ages 6 and 4, I’ve got to say, life doesn’t get much better. They’re at the ages when they are so happy to see me, especially if it’s for a sleepover because they love to play “interview” at...

Photo: Dusan Petkovic,

Developmental assets list might help your kids find their ‘OK’

DR. RICHARD LAZAROFFPublished June 29, 2022

As a pediatrician, I had an “aha moment” one day during a prenatal interview when a young couple asked me how they would know whether their child had “turned out OK.” Trying not to impose my values, I asked them to tell me what that would...

On Sunday, St. Louis Jewish teens gathered at the Jewish Community Center’s Day Camp Pavilion for last minute instructions and a meet-and-greet before embarking the next day (June 13) on a three-week Israel Bound trip under the auspices of Jewish Federation.

Federation program helps St. Louis teens take Root One to Israel

ELLEN FUTTERMAN, Editor-in-ChiefPublished June 29, 2022

Sarah Rumfelt and Katie Wallace happily chatted as they waited Sunday afternoon for the meeting at the Jewish Community Center’s outdoor pavilion to start. It was uncomfortably hot and humid, with temperatures hovering around 100 degrees, but that...

Three of JTEC's co-founders (clockwise from top left): Dahlia Soussan, Ellanora Lerner, and Madeline Canfield.

Three teens discuss the toxic hookup culture in Jewish youth groups and summer camps

Jen Richler, Jewish Women’s ArchivePublished June 22, 2022

Jewish summer camps and youth movements are a time-honored tradition—tens of thousands of Jewish teens participate. But a group of young Jews is calling out what they say is a “toxic hookup culture” in many of these institutions. In this episode...

Kids at summer camp

Spreading wings and gritting teeth: It’s time for sleep-away camp

ELIZABETH MACANUFO, Special to the Jewish LightPublished June 22, 2022

I went to Camp Herzl in Minnesota for three weeks, returning on my 13th birthday. I hated it. I missed my family, objected to spending time outdoors and, as a Reform Jew, felt lost among my more religious peers. And yet, I strongly suggested that...

What to consider when heading to the pool with children

What to consider when heading to the pool with children

DR. RICHARD LAZAROFFPublished June 15, 2022

Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control, drowning is a leading cause of death for children in the United States between the ages of 1 and 4? For children ages 1 to 14, it is the second leading cause of accidental death after motor...

Grandparenthood comes with many perks and some responsibilities

Grandparenthood comes with many perks and some responsibilities


Who hasn’t heard a friend claiming that being a grandparent is better than being a parent? You get to play with the child but can give them back when you want. Is it really that simple? Aren’t there “rules” that grandparents ought to abide by? Let’s...

A tip o’ the grad cap to the anxieties of fledgling adulthood

A tip o’ the grad cap to the anxieties of fledgling adulthood

AMY FENSTER BROWN, Special to the Jewish LightPublished June 1, 2022

‘Tis the season of caps and gowns, pomp and circumstance, diplomas and celebrations — it’s graduation time! My kids are a few years away from this milestone. Some of my friends’ kids are finishing high school and college, giving me a preview of...

Ahh nostalgia—when life tasted better and hurt less

Ahh nostalgia—when life tasted better and hurt less

Amy Fenster BrownPublished May 18, 2022

It’s likely not at the top of your mind, but I didn’t have a column in this paper for the past couple of issues. Did you miss me? Is it true that absence makes the heart grow fonder?  I love to say that abstinence makes the heart grow fonder,...

The Abeles family wrapped in Eli's tallit that he wore on his bar mitzvah 30+ years ago. Photo: Spoonful of Sugar Photography

Aaron Abeles honors his dad with special Bar Mitzvah project

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content OfficerPublished May 5, 2022

Aaron Abeles has experienced losses no 13-year-old boy should ever know. He also has the maturity, at his age, to understand how to take those tough experiences and turn them into something good and beautiful. "It probably won’t surprise anyone that...

Lea-Rachel Kosnik with her husband, Logan, and their son, Vincent.

The challenge of interracial adoption: “Is he with you?”

LEA-RACHEL KOSNIKPublished May 5, 2022

“You should be a mother,” was what my own mother said to me the week before she died. I held her thin, weakened hand across the hospital bed and nodded. I was in my early 20s, and children seemed a far away possibility in an unlikely land that included...

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