Seth Rogen shaves off his beard again; should we be worried?

Dan Buffa, Special to the Jewish Light

Look, a pandemic that endures can force any man or woman to do crazy things. A quarantine-induced living room rearrangement only a few days after rearranging it for a second time, or the sixteenth attempt on sourdough bread baking. It happens.

For Seth Rogen, the famed Jewish actor/screenwriter/producer, a series of hobbies helped get him through 2020. But this summer, he did something far more drastic: he shaved off his beard… twice.

Earlier this year, he shaved off his glorious facial locks for a role in the upcoming Hulu series, “Pam and Tommy,” which chronicles the topsy-turvy relationship between Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. But after growing it back quickly-it generally takes a week for me to go from five o’clock shadow to full-blown beard-Rogen has gotten rid of it again. He posted about it on Instagram:


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Now, that’s a real transformation, and it’s not just the beard that looks so different. He went from the shaggy Hebrew curls to CNN evening news show host in a blip. While the smoldering effect may not be as strong as Rogen would like, I can appreciate a good reinvention. But the truth is, the new look may have something to do with an upcoming role in a Steven Spielberg film.

Titled “The Fabelmans,” Spielberg’s film chronicles his own childhood, with Rogen having a supporting role as the director’s “favorite uncle” growing up. See for yourself if any similarity can be found.

Maybe before a little hair dye… maybe not. Spielberg’s film co-stars Michelle Williams and Paul Dano in addition to Rogen and is currently in production. Look, if one of the greatest directors of all time called me up for a role or some reshoots, asking me to shave my beard for it, I wouldn’t hesitate. Maybe that needs to be on a bumper sticker, “If Spielberg calls, get out the trimmer!”

The truth is every mensch of an actor knows what roles to make changes for, and which directors to go the extra mile. Some thespians wear a few layers of prosthetics, while others put on fake noses and chins. Rogen just broke out the electric razor and changed his entire look. Respect to him.

In addition to “The Fabelmans” and “Pam and Tommy,” Rogen has several other projects lined up in each of his cinematic specialties. On the producing side, there’s the new upcoming season of Amazon Studios’ original “superheroes broken bad” series, “The Boys.” Rogen, along with his partner in storytelling, Evan Goldberg, are producers on the show.

He will play Santa Claus in an upcoming dark comedy for HBO Max called, “Santa Inc.” Rogen is also joining the ranks of celebrities with podcasts where celeb friends and non-celeb friends join to share wild Hollywood stories. His podcast will be called, “Storytime with Seth Rogen.” If you’re wondering when he sleeps, I would guess never.

The well-known cannabis advocate also has his own production line there called Houseplant. In talking about his love for the THC plant-based product on a recent cooking show, Rogen called himself one of the lucky guys for being able to use marijuana in a way that powers and aids his career. For him, getting up every day to smoke leads to screenplays, ideas for new shows and movies and a creativity that can’t be properly tapped.

Apparently, it can also lead to the removal of glorious beards. Let’s hope the Spielberg role is worth the baby cheeks presentation.

While we wait on that upcoming film, what do you think the next hobby of Rogen’s will be?