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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Editorial: Jew vs. Jew

Published December 21, 2011

During this season of Hanukkah, it is particularly sad to see extremely disturbing acts of violence in the modern Jewish State of Israel by Jews against fellow Jews. While the holiday celebrates the victory of Maccabeans against their enemies, the historic...

Rabbi Brad Horwitz

D’var Torah: Nurturing the soul on Hanukkah

By Rabbi Brad HorwitzPublished December 21, 2011

Hanukkah is often referred to as the Festival of Lights. We add one candle to the Hanukkah menorah each of the eight nights of Hanukkah to commemorate the miraculous victory of the Macabees as well as the miracle of the small cruse of oil that lasted...

Rabbi Weiman is a speaker, teaches Jewish history at Esther Miller Bais Yaakov, and is author of the new book, “48 Things, 49 Days,” (Targum Press) as well as “A Simple Guide to Happiness,” “A Map of the Universe,” and “the Everything Learning Hebrew Book.”

During Hanukkah, count your blessings one by one

By Rabbi Max WeimanPublished December 21, 2011

Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, comes at a time when the nights are longer providing more darkness. Nothing is a coincidence. The sages also say that Greece is synonymous with darkness, since they wanted to uproot Judaism from the Jews. We celebrate...

"Sisters" and best buds Natalia Almonte and Belle Gage celebrate
their ninth birthdays together earlier this year.

A major family mitzvah

By Ellen Futterman, EditorPublished December 21, 2011

Sometimes, the smallest things can change your life in profound ways. For Dr. Brian and Amy Gage of Clayton, it was a short email telling of a 5-year-old from the Dominican Republic who needed a place to stay in St. Louis. The email was sent three years...

Registration open for Cotillion program at Temple Israel

Published December 21, 2011

Congregation Temple Israel will offer a Cotillion program open to all area sixth graders. Cotillion provides instruction in social etiquette and dance and offers youth an opportunity to socialize with peers from throughout the St. Louis Jewish community....

Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro

In Joseph’s colorful tunic, lessons about gift giving and receiving

By Rabbi Roxanne J.S. ShapiroPublished December 14, 2011

A "ketonet passim" (ornamented tunic/striped tunic/robe of many colors) caused all this mess? Joseph was hated for this?It was not the tunic itself...but rather what it represented. Why should Joseph be blamed? He could not help that his father loved...

How do you spell “Hanukkah?,” musing on made-for-TV movies

By Ellen Futterman, EditorPublished December 14, 2011

Musings of a made-for-TV holiday movie junkie I have a confession - I am a sucker for bad, as in cheesy and totally predictable, holiday movies. I'm not talking classics such as "It's a Wonderful Life," "Miracle on 34th Street" or "Holiday Inn," though...

A web tour of gelt, gifts and Chocolate

By MARK MIETKIEWICZ, Special to the Jewish LightPublished December 14, 2011

It's one of the most popular traditions of one of the most well known holidays of the year. But the reasons behind the giving of Hanukkah gelt can leave most people scratching their heads. Today some Hanukkah gelt explanations.There is a direct connection...

Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel

By Sybil Kaplan, Special to the Jewish LightPublished December 14, 2011

"I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay, And when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play!" S'vivon, sov, sov, sov (spinning top, turn, turn, turn) Hanukkah hu chag tov (Hanukkah is a good holiday). Both of these songs underscore the most...

Hanukkah in Israel: Sufganiyot on the streets, burning lights and family fun

By Marcy Oster, JTA , JERUSALEMPublished December 14, 2011

They're making sufganiyot on the streets of Israel; Hanukkah must be near.Actually it started feeling like Hanukkah here about two days after Sukkot, when the first vendors started frying the delicious and caloric doughnuts in vats of oil in front of...

Eight candles burning very bright, on eight extraordinary nights

By Bella Adler, FreshmanPublished December 14, 2011

When it comes to Hanukkah, most Jewish families have certain customs and traditions to celebrate this joyous holiday that are unique to them. Many of these customs start with the menorah, which is lighted with candles over an eight-day period to commemorate...

From left, treats from Just Sweets, Tefillin Barbie, tapestry
featured in "Jewish Treads," Sh'ma Bear, and The Jewish Film Club
DVD "The Human Resources Manager."

Gifts worth giving this holiday season

BY STAFF REPORTSPublished December 7, 2011

When it comes to unique gifts for Hanukkah, it's hard to beat for its selection. Among some new gifts the website touts is "The Comic Torah: Reimagining the Very Good Book" by author Aaron Freeman and illustrator Sharon Rosenzweig. The...

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