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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Mila Kunis the hero, Amar’e extinguisher jokes and Josh Gad’s White House comedy

By JTA StaffPublished May 8, 2012

NEW YORK (6NoBacon) -- Mila Kunis played the hero for real in a scene Monday at her Los Angeles home, saving the life of a choking workman. The 50-year-old man had swallowed his tongue and started choking. Kunis quickly rushed to the scene, urging a...

Stewart upsets Catholics, Beastie Boys video and 10 awesome Israeli animals

JTA StaffPublished April 26, 2012

NEW YORK (6NoBacon) -- "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart has been the site of some controversies lately, and this week it was the host himself who was caught in a furor. First, Ricky Gervais cracked some Anne Frank jokes on the show, then had to...

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