Elsewhere: The writing Francis saw on the wall, put millennials to work, the Jew in Ford’s driver’s seat
Published May 27, 2014
The writing Francis saw on the wall: Spraypaint-wielding Palestinians were determined to get their message to the pope using Israel’s security barrier as a canvas. (Wall Street Journal)
Put millennials to work: To reach 20-somethings, religious institutions — including Jewish ones — need to create more tasks and leadership roles for them, writes Naomi Schaefer Riley. (Fox News)
India’s PM loves Israel: Narendra Modi, India’s newly elected prime minister, is a Hindu nationalist with close relationships to Israeli business leaders. (Tablet)
The Jew in Ford’s driver’s seat: Meet Mark Fields, the first Jew in the No. 1 position at Ford, founded by notorious anti-Semite Henry Ford. (Forward)
Spinoza: unrepentant, unforgiven: Amsterdam Jews should not lift the 17th-century excommunication of philosopher Baruch Spinoza, writes Steven Nadler. (N.Y. Times)
JTA Staff This article was posted by JTA staff.