Young Israel to honor Jewish educators at upcoming gala

Young Israel of St. Louis will honor three couples for their work in Jewish education. At this year’s gala dinner June 4 at the Third Degree Glass Factory, the shul will honor Rabbi Yaakov and Elisheva Green, Rabbi Naftali and Tali Rothstein, and Rabbi Daniel and Esther Freund.

Rabbi Green, Epstein Hebrew Academy’s Head of School, came to St. Louis a few years ago from Boca Raton, Fla., eager to serve Epstein and the greater St. Louis Jewish community. His wife, Elisheva (Shev), an occupational therapist by profession, has done the same through her involvement with the Chevra Kadesha, St. Louis Kollel, and the Great St. Louis Challah Bake, among various other local causes.

Rabbi Rothstein, in his second year as Principal for Yeshivat Kadimah High School, has inspired teens at his school with a love for Torah education and a drive to succeed in all subjects. His wife, Tali, teaches Judaic Studies at Kadimah, while balancing other interests, including a family of four young children.

Rabbi Freund serves as the Assistant Principal and Rebbe at Yeshivat Kadimah High School. He and his wife moved here four years ago from Chicago, when the high school was founded. Esther Freund currently manages the Torah U’Mesorah Teacher’s Center. 

Rabbi Moshe Shulman, rabbi of Young Israel, says, “…Torah education… is the lifeblood of our people…A community that takes pride in Jewish education, that supports Jewish education, and that honors those who teach Torah to our children, is a community that has a strong future!”


This year’s gala chairs, are Jackie Oppenheimer and Tamar Shulman. Chairs of the tribute journal are Rachel Shapiro and Roberta Gornish.

For more information, call  314-727-1880.