The J offers kosher carryout, including Passover meals

613 Catering, the Jewish Community Center-owned kosher catering business headed by Jon Rubin, has created a family-style meal service that includes Passover. 

For the foreseeable future, three times weekly – Monday, Wednesday and Friday, except during Passover – families can order Vaad Hoeir-certified kosher dinners for pickup at the J (by the Staenberg Family Complex Adult Day entrance — take Willow Village Parkway and park in the lot adjacent to the pool). Additionally, community members may gift a meal (or many) to help those in need. 

Each meal feeds four and costs $60. 

613’s Passover menu offers a variety of options for individuals as well as large families, and includes holiday favorites such as gefilte fish, matzah balls, stuffed cabbage, assorted kugels, roasted chicken, brisket and much more.  All orders must be placed by April 5 and pick-up times are available April 7, 8 and 14.

All orders, for Passover and kosher dinner meals, will be handled by 613 Catering Manager Robin Rickerman. Whether you want to purchase a meal for your family, donate a meal or request a gifted meal, call Rickerman at 314-442-3275 (do not leave an order on voicemail – just your number and she will call you back). Since all transactions will be handled by phone, nobody will know which meals are paid and which are gifts, including meals for Passover. The number of free meals available will be dependent on donations.


All donations are tax deductible and gifts of all amounts are welcome. 

“We are so happy to provide these meals,” said Rubin. “It’s a great service for people who want a night off from cooking, for people who want to help fight food insecurity in our community, and quite possibly a lifeline for families who wouldn’t otherwise have a hot meal.”