A good neighbor is the kind you can ask for a cup of sugar, a better neighbor is the kind you can ask for a kidney. That’s what happened five years ago to Jimmy Fendelman. A friend and neighbor was desperately in need of a kidney donor to save his life. Fendelman did not provide the kidney to his neighbor, who did receive the organ through a program called Renewal. The neighbor is now thriving, but witnessing him in need set the wheels in motion for Fendelman’s life-giving gift.

“We organized a swabbing event. Our friend ended up receiving a kidney, but we had already sent in our swabs to the Renewal Foundation database,” said Elana Fendelman, Jimmy’s wife.
Renewal Foundation was founded in 2006 and is located in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is dedicated to matching live donors with patients in need of kidney transplants through informational presentations.
“A few years went by and we totally forgot about the swabs until June of last year when Jimmy got a call saying he matched with someone and would he be willing to donate,” said Elana Fendelman.
The Fendelmans were given very little information about the recipient. They knew his age, that he had children and a rare kidney disease. Jimmy Fendelman celebrated his 60th birthday in New York, going through some preliminary testing determined that he was healthy and fit for surgery. The match was a one in a million.
The Fendelmans traveled to Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City in early December 2024 for the procedure.
“The entire transplant team was amazing. The testing is really rigorous; they won’t let you donate unless they are confident that you will have a successful outcome health-wise,” said Jimmy Fendelman.
This confidence calmed his nerves about undergoing a major operation. Fendelman is a father of five and an attorney at the Fendelman Group in St. Louis. His legal work sees a bit of a slow down during the holiday season making it an ideal time for the five week recovery time.
“I can’t describe what a beautiful feeling it is to be able to literally share my life with another Jew,” said Fendelman.
He and his recipient haven’t met in person yet, but Elana Fendelman met with the recipient’s wife and children briefly after the transplant was a success. Through WhatsApp chats, a beautiful relationship has developed between the two families.
Fendelman was the 1200th transplant that Renewal has coordinated. Its goal is to assist each and every patient and donor with any help and support they may need.
The first step is swabbing to find a match.
“The important thing people need to know is that swabbing doesn’t lock you in. You can send in your swab and then if you get a call as a match, you can say ‘not this time’” said Jimmy Fendelman.
For Fendelman, nearly five years after his swab, December of 2024 was just right. The Fendelman’s daughter Julia Field is incredibly proud of her father’s selfless act.
“Jews are literally born with what it takes to provide for another Jew,” she said. “Be it kind words, a shoulder to cry on, or a kidney to pass on. My dad is special in his intuition to know this, but he’s definitely not special in his ability to give. He inspires me to look inward and ask myself: What do I have that another Jew needs more than me? What do I have to give?”
Elana and Jimmy Fendelman are hosting a Swabbing Event on Sunday, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. at U City Shul, 700 North and South Road. All are welcome and encouraged to join. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Caroline Goldenberg is on the Jewish Light’s Board of Directors.
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