Shalom Baby names new chair

Jennifer Bernstein will take over as the new chair of the Shalom Baby program, administered through the Jewish Community Center on behalf of the entire Jewish community.  Bernstein takes over for Batya Wertman, who recently completed her two-year term.

Bernstein previously served as a Shalom Baby and currently works as coordinator of the Child Abuse Prevention Program at Jewish Family & Children’s Service.  She also serves as the Vice President of Advocacy for NCJW-St. Louis Section, is an advisor to the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority at Washington University and is the Co-Vice President of J-PRO. She and her husband, Scott, have a 3-year-old son, Ari.  


Shalom Baby relies on the community to provide names of Jewish families who have recently experienced the birth or adoption of a new baby.  A trained volunteer schedules a free home visit and brings along a goody bag filled with donated items from various Jewish organizations, as well as helpful information and resources for young families.  

Providing names and contact information to Marianne Chervitz, Shalom Baby and Family Center Coordinator at the JCC Marilyn Fox building, [email protected] or 314-442-3454. Those interested can also sign up for a visit or to be a volunteer on the program website,  

This program is coordinated by the JCC’s Helene Mirowitz Center of Jewish Community Life and partially funded by the Lubin-Green Foundation.