Shaare Emeth starting choir for Jewish children in grades 3-7

Lucy Greenbaum

Attention youngsters who enjoy singing. Shir Emeth Youth Choir, which is open to all 3rd-7th graders in the St. Louis Jewish community, will officially get underway next month. Although it will be based at Congregation Shaare Emeth, any child from any congregation, or any child who is unaffiliated, is welcome.

“I have ‘soft launched’ the program as a chug (elective) at Camp Emeth this summer and it has been super successful,” said Lucy Greenbaum, director of youth engagement and musician-in-residence at Shaare Emeth.

“The goal of this group is to allow kids a space to have fun, get to know each other and make music together,” Greenbaum explained, adding that she’s “flexible” if choir members must miss a few practices, though she’d like them to let her know as soon as possible.

The group’s first rehearsal is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 6 to 7 p.m. The choir will continue to meet at that time every other Tuesday, with breaks for holidays and winter vacation, until May 2. Auditions aren’t necessary.


“No prior experience is needed either,” said Greenbaum. “Just a good attitude.”

The cost to join the choir is $18 for Shaare Emeth members and $36 for non-members. The fee will help cover the cost of T-shirts, musical materials and more. An optional dinner will be provided from 6 to 6:20 p.m., before each practice, and cost a total of $100 for all 18 sessions. Practice will then take place from 6:20 to 7 p.m.

For more information and to register, go to or contact Greenbaum at [email protected].