Hillel program to address intimate partner violence in the Jewish community

Editor’s note: The location for this event has been changed since this article was originally published. The event will be held in Hillman Hall, Room 70.  Parking is available at WashU Hillel.

As part of national Domestic Violence Awareness month, expert Shaina Goodman will discuss intimate partner violence in the Jewish community at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18 in Hillman Hall, Room 70. Parking is available at WashU Hillel. The program, “A Conversation with Shaina Goodman:  Jewish Responses to Intimate Partner Violence,” will feature a presentation by Goodman and discussion facilitated by Hillel student leaders.

Goodman is director of policy at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) in Washington, D.C.  She leads the organization’s advocacy and policy work, with a particular focus on the intersection of domestic violence and economic justice.  She has completed research on domestic violence in the Jewish community and on the history of the domestic violence movement.  

Goodman is a three-time Washington University alumna, having received her Juris Doctor, MSW, and bachelor’s degrees there. 

 Goodman’s talk is free and open to the public; a reception will follow.  The event is sponsored by WashU Hillel through its Harry & Mary Neuman Speakers Endowment and Debra S. Newman Memorial Fund, along with Hillel Leadership Council and LIVE:  Leaders in Interpersonal Violence Education.


 The Danforth University Center is located at 6475 Forsyth Blvd.  Parking is available in the Danforth University Center Garage. For more information, contact Margaret Butler, Social Justice Fellow at Hillel at Washington University, at [email protected].