B’nai Amoona plans auction event

Congregation B’nai Amoona is rolling out the red carpet for “Super Auction Take-2” at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 29. The community is invited to attend this Hollywood-themed fundraiser, which includes two auctions, hearty appetizers, decadent desserts, drinks and fun for everyone.   

During the silent auction, a variety of items will be offered including gift certificates to restaurants, hotels and other businesses; tickets to Cardinals, Blues, and Rams games; and one week at Camps Ramot Amoona and B’nai Ami.  In addition, jewelry, artwork, sports memorabilia, electronics, themed gift baskets and other items will be available. The live auction will feature donations from B’nai Amoona’s clergy and staff. Several big-ticket items include a 100,000 BTU gas or electric furnace, a week at a condo anywhere in the United States and an adorable puppy. 

Tickets for “Super Auction Take-2” are $25 per person and may be purchased by calling Barbara Shechter at 314-576-9990, ext. 126. B’nai Amoona is located at 324 S. Mason Road in Creve Coeur.  Proceeds from the Auction benefit the Congregation B’nai Amoona General Fund.