Aish HaTorah annual dinner to honor Charles and Naomi Ruth Deutsch

Aish HaTorah will honor Charles and Naomi Ruth Deutsch during its annual fundraising dinner Sunday, March 11.

The Deutschs have a longstanding and deep relationship with Aish HaTorah and have shown their commitment to the organization and its mission: to inspire the St. Louis Jewish community to experience and explore the beauty and wisdom of Torah and their Jewish Heritage. Charles, a partner in the Gatesworth retirement communities, has said Aish has made a huge difference in his life and its programs and guidance have benefited his entire family.

The dinner will be held at 5 p.m. at the Ritz-Carlton, 100 Carondelet Plaza in Clayton. In addition, Hollywood screenwriter David Weiss, an Emmy-nominated writer of “Shrek 2” and “The Smurfs,” will entertain guests with his hilarious and heartwarming story of his personal journey toward Judaism.

To plan the Aish dinner, Chairpersons Howard and Phyllis Loiterstein and Marci Rosenberg worked with a committee including Orli Axelbaum, Dugie Baron, Eldad and Danielle Bialecki, Barb Bianco, Stan and Leila Biel, Don and Julie Eisenberg, Gloria Feldman, Rhonnie Goldfader, Bob Hardcastle, Bob Leonard, Jason and Niki Loiterstein, Dave and Jill Mogi, Robin Rickerman, Jonathan Shanker, Bill Solomon, Jonathan Spetner, Melanie Winograd and Dan Whyman.


For more information on sponsorship of the commemorative dinner journal or to attend the event, contact Claire at 314-862-2474.