Missouri State Senator to lead JCRC program honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis, along with the Mirowitz Center, are honoring Martin Luther King Day 2022, with a special program featuring Missouri State Senator Brian Williams, who is the Assistant Minority Floor Leader.

“This has been another turbulent year for the United States as we continue to grapple as a society with our history and the issues of race, equity, and justice. There is much that has been accomplished and more that still needs to be done,” wrote the JCRC on its website.

Senator Brian Williams was elected to the Missouri Senate in 2018 and represents the 14th Senatorial District in St. Louis County. He grew up in Ferguson, Missouri, and is currently the first black male to serve in Missouri Senate in two decades.

During the program, which will take place virtually on Thursday, January 13 from 2 p.m to 3 p.m., Sen. Williams will reflect on the state of the African American experience, in relation to Dr. King’s dream.


“The ugly truth is: There is still racism in society,” said Robert Arbuthnot, Sen. Williams’ chief of staff. “There is still discrimination against people based on their race, faith, and orientation. And that means there are still things we must do to help bend our moral arc toward justice.”

To register for the online Martin Luther King Day Observance with Senator Brian Williams, visit http://bit.ly/Register_MirowitzCenter, or call 314-733-9813, or email [email protected].

This program is co-sponsored with the Michael and Barbara Newmark Institute for Human Relations at the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis (JCRC).