This year, Congregation Temple Israel got an early start on Purim, which begins at sunset on Saturday, March 23 and continues through the evening of Sunday, March 24.
On Sunday, March 10, students from the religious school performed “A Very Muppet Purim Shpiel,” written by Madrich Jonah Alper and co-directed by Alper and TI staff member Emily Trent, a professional theater performer. Immediately following the shpiel, guests headed to TI’s annual Purim Carnival — geared toward kids in grades 6 and below — for games, prizes, food and hamantaschen, a costume contest, a magic show and reptile experience with St. Louis’s own Serengeti Steve.
The Oscar Mayer Weinermobile even made an appearance, giving kids a look inside. The Weinermobile was a special surprise for Drew Patchin, a young TI member who has been battling cancer. Drew and his family were even given a ride home in the Weinermobile.