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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


David Hermelin is shown with the barrels used to age Hermelin's Righteous Seven Barrel Reserve liqueur. Photo: Bill Motchan

Jewish St. Louis distiller of “Righteous Road” has perfect spirit for Purim

Bill Motchan, Special For The Jewish LightPublished March 14, 2022

When we checked in on Righteous Road last September, the distiller had just added two new spirits to its lineup. There’s the original Righteous Seven liqueur, its more intense barrel reserve, and The Fifth Cup, the brand’s kosher for Passover craft...

When Purim falls on St. Patrick’s Day, drink a Haman O’Reilly

When Purim falls on St. Patrick’s Day, drink a Haman O’Reilly

Rob EshmanPublished March 12, 2022

This story was originally published on March 11 by the Forward. Sign up here to get the latest stories from the Forward delivered to you each morning. If Purim and St. Patrick’s Day, which both fall on March 17 this year, have one thing in common,...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

D’var Torah by Rabbi Josef Davidson: Creating community

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished March 10, 2022

With this week's Torah portion the third book of the Torah, Vayikra ("[God] called [to Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting]..."), is read. Vayikra is also called Torat Cohanim in Hebrew, which corresponds to the name most commonly known, "Leviticus."...

Rabbi Neal Rose

D’var Torah: Judaism recognizes power of coming together as community

RABBI NEAL ROSEPublished March 3, 2022

The late Rabbi Bernard Lipnick kept a plaque on his desk that read, “No One of us is smarter than All of us.” In this week’s Torah reading we hear about the final stages in the construction of the portable sanctuary known as the Mishkan or the...

Congregation B'nai Amoona. Photo: Bill Motchan

Quirk of the Jewish calendar allows extra time to examine Torah portion

RABBI CARNIE SHALOM ROSEPublished February 24, 2022

Shalom Chaverim! This year, we have something of an anomaly on the Jewish calendar. In most years, the Torah portions of Vayakhel and Pekudei are read in tandem with one another; meaning that we have a double selection chanted in our Synagogues...

D'var Torah by Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham: Fuel good deeds with ‘fire and passion’

D’var Torah by Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham: Fuel good deeds with ‘fire and passion’

RABBI JEFFREY ABRAHAMPublished February 17, 2022

Parshat Ki Tissa opens with the admonition, “This is what everyone who is entered in the records shall pay …” (30:13) God’s command was for every male from 20 to 60, rich or poor, to be counted by their half-shekel contribution to the upkeep...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

D’var Torah by Rabbi Josef Davidson: We are all holy in the eyes of the Divine

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished February 10, 2022

In Tetzaveh, this week’s Torah portion, we learn that the High Priest was to wear a headdress to which a gold frontlet inscribed with “Holy to the Eternal” was attached by a blue cord. One might ask: Why was this gold frontlet attached to the...

Rabbi Neal Rose

D’var Torah by Rabbi Neal Rose: Where is God to be found?

RABBI NEAL ROSEPublished February 3, 2022

The Rebbe of Kotzk was once asked: “Where is God to be found?” He famously answered” God is found wherever we let God  in.” At first the question seems to be about a specific geographic location (like a synagogue, a temple, or another sacred...

Congregation B'nai Amoona. Photo: Bill Motchan

Why Judaism calls on us to put ideals into practice

Rabbi Jeffrey AbrahamPublished January 27, 2022

Our parshah this week, Mishpatim, embraces law after law right on the heels of the Ten Commandments.  Our foremost commentator, Rashi, points out that Mishpatim should be viewed as a continuation of the previous parshah, Yitro.  Why? How? The very...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

D’var Torah by Rabbi Josef Davidson: A better approach to service 

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished January 20, 2022

The United States’ economy is currently oriented toward service. Employment opportunities abound in the service industries such as food service, hospitality service, call center service, repair services and delivery service, to name a few. As consumers...

Torah portion inspires search for balance in life

Torah portion inspires search for balance in life

Rabbi Carnie Shalom RosePublished January 14, 2022

“And Moses took with him the bones of Joseph, who had previously exacted an oath from the children of Israel, saying, “God will be sure to take notice of you and when this comes to be, you pledge to carry up my bones from here with you to the Holy...

Barley-Carrot_Croquettes. Photo: Michael Kahn

Tu B’Shevat seder features a lucky seven food species

MARGI LENGA KAHN, Special to the Jewish LightPublished January 13, 2022

Rabbi Eliyahu Safran of the Orthodox Union refers to the number seven as the perfect number. “Seven is completeness and wholesomeness,” he says. There are numerous examples in Judaism of the significance of that seven, beginning with Shabbat, the...

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