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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Orli Hahn (left) with friend Macy Blucher (right). 

Mitzvot from the Heart: Orli Hahn

Published January 17, 2019

Orli Hahn | Congregation Shaare EmethLadue Middle School student, Orli Hahn, wanted to give kids a happy birthday and make their day special. So for her mitzvah project, she decided to collect new toys and cash donations for Birthday Joy, a local non-profit...

Faith Hollander (left) and Madison Miederhoff

Mitzvot from the Heart: Faith Hollander and Madison Miederhoff

Published December 30, 2018

Faith Hollander | Congregation Shaare Emeth & Madison Miederhoff | Congregation B’nai AmoonaFaith and Madison have been inseparable since they met over five years ago. They attend Parkway Central Middle School together as well as Camp GUCI (Goldman...

Marcia Mermelstein

Transportation agency strives to help seniors be independent

By David Baugher, Special to the Jewish LightPublished December 23, 2018

Marcia Mermelstein understands that getting around is vital for older adults. “I know that to be a healthy, happy, independent person who is aging in place in their own home, just going to the grocery store, the doctor’s office or the pharmacy is...

Taharath Israel (the St. Louis Mikvah Association)

Published December 7, 2018

4 Millstone Campus DriveSt. Louis, Mo. 63146314-569-2770, ext. 114website: stlmikvah.orgTaharath Israel (the St. Louis Mikvah Association) provides a safe, clean, modern space in which all individuals are treated with dignity as they use our services...

Sharsheret Supports

Published December 7, 2018

Jewish Community Center/Nishmah2 Millstone Campus DriveSt. Louis, Mo. 63146314-442-3266email: sharsheret@jccstl.orgwebsite: Debbi Braunstein, Supports CoordinatorSharsheret is a national, not-for-profit organization...

St. Louis Jewish Community Listserv (STLJCL)

Published December 7, 2018

website:• To subscribe, email• To post, email stljcl@groups.ioThe St. Louis Jewish Community Listserv is a free service hosted by and monitored by community moderators Barbara Ast,...

St. Louis Friends of Israel

Published December 7, 2018

Box 32085St. Louis, MO 63132email: stlouisfriendsofisrael@gmail.com314-308-3975St. Louis Friends of Israel is a pro-active, non-denominational, non-partisan, 501c3 non-profit organization, whose mission is to educate the St. Louis community about the...


Published December 7, 2018

email: QJewsStLouis@gmail.comQ Jews is a welcoming peer-led pluralistic community for adults identifying as Jewish and LGBTQIA+. This social group creates and provides community for LGBTQIA+ Jews and aims to bring Jewish culture into queer spaces, and...

Jeanne Snodgrass

Mizzou Hillel

Published December 7, 2018

1107 University Ave., Columbia, Mo. 65201573-443-7460email: director@mizzouhillel.comwebsite: mizzouhillel.comJeanne Snodgrass, Executive DirectorMizzou Hillel is a place where Jewish students come to meet each other and get involved in Jewish life in...

Erin Schreiber 

Hillel at Maryville University

Published December 7, 2018

650 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63141314-529-9437email: eschreiber@maryville.eduwebsite: MaryvilleHillel.orgErin Schreiber, Director Hillel at Maryville University provides opportunities for students to learn, lead and grow Jewishly....

Rabbi Avraham Lapine

Chabad of MU and Mid-Missouri

Published December 6, 2018

313 E. Brandon RoadColumbia, Mo. 65203573-442-5755website: chabadmizzou.orgemail: info@jewishtigers.comRabbi Avraham Lapine, DirectorChabad at MU is a warm, non-judgmental, fun, lively and comfortable place where Jewish students can meet one another to...

Ethan Shaikun used his mitzvah project to help the homeless in St. Louis.

Mitzvot from the Heart: Ethan Shaikun

Published November 29, 2018

Ethan Shaikun, Congregation Shaare EmethAt 5 years old, while visiting family in Washington, D.C., Ethan witnessed firsthand the homeless issue in the United States. It was difficult for him to understand why these people were sleeping on park benches,...

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