Upcoming events for Jewish families in St. Louis

Winterfest Kids Fun Run

When/Where: 7:30–10 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 20 at Kiener Plaza

Virtual/In-person? In-person

RSVP required: No, but cost is $15 per participant; register online at ArchPark.org/Winterfest

Description:  The route begins in Kiener Plaza, travels around the Arch legs and ends back in the plaza. The run kicks off winter festivities downtown, including the return of ice skating in Kiener Plaza.

The Home Depot Chanukah Experience, In a Box

When/Where:  10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21 in the parking lot of the Morris & Ann Lazaroff Chabad Center in University City.

Virtual/In-person? Virtual

RSVP required:  Parents are encouraged to reserve a free kit for their children online at www.ShowMeChabad.com/HomeDepot.

Description:  Chabad of Greater St. Louis will once again be partnering with the Home Depot to offer a pre-Hanukkah build-your-own-menorah experience. This year, like last year, it will be done a little bit differently. The same Home Depot, the same Build-Your-Own-Menorah, the same parent-child interactive experience, but from the comfort of your home.

Chanukah on Main Street

When/Where: 5-6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28 at Berthold Square Park, 221 S Main St., St. Charles

Virtual/In-person? In-person

RSVP required? Free but registration is required at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chanukah-on-main-street-tickets-200605575677

Description: Chabad of St. Charles invites the public to join in a giant menorah lighting, Jewish holiday music, gelt drop, hot latkes and more at this free Hanukkah event. For more information, go to [email protected].

Menorahs & Martinis: A Chanukah Ladies Night Out

When/Where: 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2 at Chabad of Chesterfield, 158 Chesterfield Mall (about 15 stores in on the right, from the Cheesecake Factory entrance)

Virtual/In-person? In-person

RSVP required? Suggested donation: $36  www.ChabadOfChesterfield.com/chaicircle.

Description: Participants will have the opportunity to design their very own granite menorah while enjoying a Hanukkah themed martini bar and gourmet Hanukkah treats. The event promises to be an opportunity for local moms/women to rejuvenate and connect. For more information, email [email protected] or call 636-778-4000.