Jewish Song of the Week: Some musical assistance for your High Holy Days quest to repent

Eric Berger, Associate Editor

We are now in Elul, the Jewish month of repentance during which we admit our sins, ask for forgiveness and resolve not to repeat them.

As such, Rick Recht, the executive director of JKids RadioJewish Rock Radio and Songleader Boot Camp, has selected, as our latest Jewish Song of the Week, a fitting tune by Todd Herzog, a Jewish musician who lost his girlfriend to leukemia at age 28 and afterwards discovered the healing power of music, according to his website.

Recht explains why he selected a song from Herzog: “The Hebrew month of Elul is such a powerful time to bring music into our lives, so I wanted to share another song to get us ready for the High Holidays. While there is lots of great liturgical music for this purpose, my good friend Todd Herzog wrote this deeply personal song called ‘Returning to Who I Am.’ The song explores the Jewish concept of ‘t’shuvah,’ which means repentance, but more literally means “returning” — to our original, best and most authentic selves. Wishing you luck in returning to your truth!”

Check out the song below: