WikiLeaks release: Israel has destroyed Iranian nuclear infrastructure


The e-mail from the Stratfor company released by Wikileaks on Monday cited a “confirmed Israeli intelligence agent.” It is one of five million e-mails that the anti-secrecy website plans to release in the coming days.


The e-mails are rumored to have been hacked by the Anonymous hackers group, which has threatened in a YouTube video to launch cyber attacks on Israeli websites.

The Israel-Iran e-mail comes in the wake of a November 2011 explosion that killed 17 workers at an Iranian Revolutionary Guard base near Tehran, which Iran said was an accident. 

“I think this is a diversion. The Israelis already destroyed the entire Iranian nuclear infrastructure on the ground weeks ago. The current ‘let’s bomb Iran’ campaign was ordered by the EU leaders to divert the public attention from their at home financial problems,” read the e-mail from the Israeli source. The operation was undertaken with the  help of Kurdish rebels, according to the e-mail.

The Stratfor company said in a statement Monday that the e-mails published “may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies; some may be authentic,”

Stratfor is a global security analysis company that has been likened to a shadow CIA. Its clients include American government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Marine Corps, and the Dow Chemical company.