Video: King Charles dancing the Hora with Holocaust survivors

Courtesy: The Royal Family

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content Officer

Sometimes the real story gets buried. On Saturday, “NBC News” aired a story on King Charles‘ first 100 days, which included the news-making rift between his son Harry, his daughter-in-law Meghan Markle and the rest of the royal family. But what should have made news was the closing video clip of a smiling King Charles dancing with a man and woman. King Charles wasn’t just dancing, he was doing the hora.

The tweet from the official account of the Royal Family showed King Charles on a visit to London’s Jewish Arts, Culture & Community Center, where he made a surprise visit to a Hannukah tea reception being held for Holocaust survivors.

“The King mingled with the delighted survivors before joining several of them on the dance floor. He told one of those present that the Jewish music played during the hora reminded him of Scottish country dancing,” reported the Jewish News, Britain’s largest Jewish newspaper.

Among those who danced with King Charles was 93-year-old Eva Schloss, Anne Frank’s stepsister and a Nazi concentration camp survivor.


After the hora, King Charles was presented with a menorah bearing the inscription, “One person’s candle provides the light to many.”