Jewish veterans group slams Trump over attacks on Muslim war hero’s family
Published August 2, 2016

Donald Trump speaking during the evening session on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention, July 21, 2016. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
(JTA) — The Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. condemned Donald Trump’s “objectionable remarks” about the family of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq.
In a sharply worded news release issued Tuesday, the group joined a growing chorus of individuals and groups speaking out about the Republican presidential nominee’s response to the speech Humayun Khan’s father gave at the Democratic National Convention last week.
“Mr. Trump has crossed the line,” the Jewish veterans’ group said. “More than one line. Captain Khan died in battle trying valiantly to save others … He served our country. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery along with those of many ethnic backgrounds and religious denominations. They served our country. Mr. Trump did not.”
The group said Trump’s characterization of Khan’s mother — suggesting in an appearance on ABC that she stood silently during her husband’s speech because her religion forbids her from speaking publicly — “is vile beyond words.”
“JWV is an apolitical organization,” the veterans’ group statement emphasized. “We do not support or oppose candidates or parties. This condemnation is against you personally. You, Mr. Trump, deserve our contempt.”
Khan electrified the convention when he pulled out a pocket copy of the Constitution, and said Trump’s plan to bar Muslim immigration would have kept families like his out of the country.