Israel turns 65 (in English)

Declaration of the State of Israel (1948).

Declaration of the State of Israel (1948).

Israel’s Declaration of Independence was read by David Ben-Gurion on May 14, 1948. For those who missed Yom Ha’atzmaut on the Hebrew calendar — or for those who didn’t get their fill of historical material for the occasion — we’ve got highlights.

Check out the full text of the declaration as it appeared in the May 16, 1948 edition of the JTA Jewish Daily Bulletin (pdf)

Read how Jewish communities around the world celebrated the birth of the modern Jewish state.

Adam Soclof is JTA’s Associate Director of Outreach and Partnerships and coordinates presentations and advertising/marketing opportunities for the news agency. A digital archives enthusiast, Adam has authored more than 300 blog posts for The JTA Archive Blog and was responsible for its social media presence and weekly newsletter, This Week in Jewish History. Adam has presented JTA content at more than 15 conferences in the form of game shows, interactive social media campaigns and Powerpoint lectures.