Flyers on UC Davis campus blame Jews for Kavanaugh assault allegations
Published October 9, 2018
(JTA) — A flyer blaming Jews for the sexual assault allegations against newly sworn-in Justice Brett Kavanaugh were posted on the University of California, Davis campus.
The flyers discovered on Monday read: “Every time some Anti-White, Anti-American, Anti-freedom event takes place, you look at it, and it’s Jews behind it.”
The flyer shows an image of Kavanaugh surrounded by caricatures of Jewish members of the U.S. senate with Stars of David drawn on their foreheads as well as Jewish billionaire George Soros, who has been accused of funding opposition to Kavanaugh. Accuser Christine Blasey Ford, and attorney for two other accusers, Michael Avenatti, also are depicted with the words “Good Goy” written on their foreheads.
The fliers say they are “Brought to you by your local Stormer book club.”
According to the ADL, the Daily Stormer Book Club chapters, or SBCs, are “small crews of young white men who follow and support Andrew Anglin and his neo-Nazi website, the Daily Stormer.”
In a tweet, Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism, noted that also appeared on the Vassar College campus.
Hate in America: Anti-Semitic fliers blaming Jews for opposition to Brett Kavanaugh reportedly appear at @ucdavis & @Vassar.
— Oren Segal (@orensegal) October 8, 2018
In a message to the UC Davis community posted on the university’s website, Chancellor Gary S. May said that “The message on these flyers is reprehensible and does not represent who we are as a community. In addition, the person or persons responsible violated our posting policy.”
He said that the flyers have been removed and that the university is working to identify who posted them.
“UC Davis is a diverse community comprised of individuals having many perspectives and identities. To all of our students, faculty and staff, please know I won’t stand for intolerance of any kind,” May also wrote.
Meanwhile, swastikas were drawn on a wooden bulletin board on the campus of Sacramento City College, less than a week after racist graffiti was found in a bathroom on campus, the local CBS affiliate reported. Authorities are investigating both incidents at Sacramento City College as hate crimes.