Fliers blaming Jews for Kavanaugh assault allegations target Reno temple


(JTA) — Fliers blaming Jews for the sexual assault allegations against new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh were posted outside a synagogue in South Reno, Nevada.

The fliers were posted outside Temple Emanu-El in South Reno on two consecutive weekends — Oct 6-7, when Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in, and last weekend, Oct. 13-14 — the Reno Gazette Journal reported Monday.

They are identical to posters found on several college campuses across the country, including two University of California campuses, Berkeley and Davis, as well as at Vassar and Marist colleges, both located in Poughkeepsie, New York. The fliers also were hung on the doors of several Iowa organizations.

The flier shows an image of Kavanaugh surrounded by caricatures of Jewish members of the U.S. Senate with Stars of David drawn on their foreheads, as well as the Jewish billionaire George Soros, who has been accused of funding opposition to Kavanaugh. One of Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, and the attorney for two others, Michael Avenatti, also are depicted with the words “Good Goy” written on their foreheads. It reads: “Every time some Anti-White, Anti-American, Anti-freedom event takes place, you look at it, and it’s Jews behind it.”


The fliers say they are “Brought to you by your local Stormer book club,” which are small groups of young white men who follow and support Andrew Anglin and his neo-Nazi website, the Daily Stormer.

The temple has been targeted twice by firebombs, in 1999 and in 2001. In 2004, vandals spray-painted swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti on the side of the building.

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