The Battle for Truth in Russia’s War with Ukraine

As both a Ukrainian American and a media scholar, Dr. Zwarun has long been interested in the persuasion side of the “hybrid war” Russia is waging against Ukraine. Given the recent attack and invasion instigated by the Russians, her research from a 2015 trip to Ukraine that examined how people in the country use social media to oppose Russia is particularly salient. Dr. Zwarun will combine her research findings, family history, and personal insights into a discussion of what is happening and what might be done to counter disinformation from the Kremlin about their deadly assault on Ukraine.

Dr. Lara Zwarun is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. Her research centers on persuasion in the media, including protection of vulnerable audiences from dangerous messages; and how appeals to positive emotions can increase civic advocacy. Her work has appeared in journals such as Media Psychology, American Journal of Public Health, and Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 

Dr. Zwarun was a 2019-2020 University of Missouri System Presidential Engagement Scholar, one of 15 faculty chosen to share their research contributions with Missouri residents around the state. She is a first-generation Ukrainian American, and spent time in 2015 in Ukraine researching the role of social media in combating Russian disinformation.

The Battle for Truth in Russia’s War with Ukraine
March 16, 2022
12 pm Central
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