New literary magazine will share stories of St. Louis’ Jewish students

By Daniel Shanker and Avital Vorobeychick, Ohr Chadash staff

The St. Louis Jewish community includes individuals from many different backgrounds who hold diverse perspectives and beliefs. With such diversity comes the perfect opportunity for individuals to share their story. 

Enter the Machshava Literary Magazine. The Machshava is the St. Louis Jewish literary magazine headed by high schoolers at Yeshivat Kadimah High School: a division of Epstein Hebrew Academy (EHA). The publication offers St. Louis Jewish students the opportunity to build a magazine consisting of their original art, fictional short stories, poems and divrei Torah, inspired by the theme, “Time flies when you’re having fun!”

“The goal is to create something that brings people together,” said Itta Boyko, the principal of EHA and an advisor for the Machshava. “The Machshava isn’t specific to just the kids in our building, but it is really reaching out and bringing together Jewish teens and children, compiling [their] work into one magazine and sharing it with the community.”

Advising the Machshava gives Boyko an occasion to interact with her students in a non-classroom setting.


“With this being my first year [as principal] of Kadimah, it’s another opportunity for me to get involved with [students] outside of the classroom,” Boyko said.

Devorah Haspel, a sophomore at Kadimah, is the head of design for the Machshava. 

“I love being able to put my thoughts into my work and be creative while still working towards a goal,” Haspel said. “People are separated, especially between schools. [The Machshava] brings the whole community together, instead of remaining apart.”

As a community-wide publication, the Machshava aims to connect students throughout the St. Louis Jewish community.

“There are a million things that we do within our own walls, so why not do something outside of our walls?” Boyko said. “[It’s important] to recognize that our community isn’t just one school or one bubble that we live in.”

For Haspel, it is very special that the Machshava is a uniting force in St. Louis.

“[We get] to create a magazine full of works of art and literature for the Jewish community—[and] bring everyone together,” Haspel said. 

When readers flip through their free copy of the Machshava, they will see the work of fellow community Jews from all affiliations, side by side.

The students at Kadimah know how significant that is to the community.

“We have a really great group of kids who understand the importance of what they’re doing and are dedicated to ultimately putting together a great piece,” Boyko said. “They are willing to work for it.”

The Machshava is open for submissions to all Jewish students in St. Louis, from preschool through 12th grade. Submissions are due by Feb. 10, and written pieces should be no more than 1,500 words. Submissions must include name, grade, school and mailing address and should be sent as a Google Doc to [email protected]. To request a free copy of Machshava, go to