The LIGHTer Side: Q&A with declutter expert Lizzy Kline

The Lighter Side with Lizzy Kline, a Young Israel congregant and married mother of four who helps people declutter their homes and then assists them in reorganizing so that they find maintainable solutions to better enjoy every space in their home. (Learn more at

What is the best find from someone’s home you helped declutter and reorganize?
It’s always fun to find gift cards and help show them how much is on there. Found money!

How did you come to get into this line of work?
Having a master’s in social work, I wanted to do something to help people. When I was in college, I used to help my roommates and family members organize and, more important, declutter to help alleviate anxiety. When Bobby, my youngest, was in kindergarten, I was exploring the idea of starting something to help others. The best advice I got was to explore my options and not say no, and the rest is history.

I know you and your husband Chris have four children, ranging in age from 19 to 12. What are you looking most forward to doing as a family this summer?
This summer we are taking a vacation to Utah with extended family. The kids are all going to sleep-away camp as counselors and campers in Pennsylvania.


Chris and I are looking forward to a little quiet time, and of course, I’m looking forward to do my editing and organizing in a few rooms of my house, aka kids’ bedrooms.

Were there any lessons learned from the pandemic that you have incorporated into your family’s routine or adapted in some way?
The pandemic had its advantages for our family. We used our outside space like many others to entertain, which was always a great way to not only connect with friends and family but neighbors as well. I loved spending time connecting to my home, probably more so than the past, and have worked hard to make it into the space that works best for all of us, like including a guitar room for my rockstar husband and son. Lastly, I always enjoyed making dinner for my family. We keep kosher and don’t have many other options. I found a good weekly meal plan that works for my family that we generally stick to.

What do you do to chill/relax — or what is your go-to self-care regiment?
I work out every day without exception. That is my time. I try to first thing in the a.m. if I can. I religiously get my nails done because that is a must in this profession. Otherwise, I enjoy spending time with family and friends.