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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Zach Wochner is shown with bimah baskets made to benefit the cats and dogs at St. Louis County Animal Care and Control, where Zach volunteers.

Mitzvot from the Heart: Zach Wochner

Published February 24, 2016

Zach Wochner, United Hebrew CongregationUnited Hebrew’s HaDerech Mitzvot is a program to enhance students’ connection to Judaism as they prepare for their bar or bat mitzvah. Throughout the past year, Zach Wochner, son of Micki and Michael Wochner...

Lauren Mishkin

Mitzvot from the Heart: Lauren Mishkin

Published February 24, 2016

Lauren Mishkin, Congregation Shaare EmethLauren Mishkin loves working with kids and wanted to volunteer in a classroom for her mitzvah project. For six months, she spent every Tuesday afternoon at the University City Children’s Center, a diverse early...

Jewish Opportunities & Learning for Teens (JOLT) students
pose with Rabbi Shmuel Kay during a class. The program's new
trimester begins Feb. 9.

JOLT program begins new trimester Feb. 9

Published January 25, 2012

Jewish Opportunities & Learning for Teens (JOLT) will begin its third trimester on Feb. 9, featuring eight Thursday evenings for students in grades 8-12 to socialize and learn with other teens.  Trimester three includes a special Purim celebration...

ABOVE: Stephen Yoffie (center) and friend Jacob Collins are shown with JCC Camp Director Chris Horan. Horan told campers he would shave his head if they collected more than 500 canned goods. They reached their goal, and Horan made good on his promise.

Mitzvot from the heart: Stephen Yoffie

– Mitzvot from the Heart is compiled by Jewish Light Editorial Assistant Elise KrugPublished August 4, 2010

Stephen Yoffie, United Hebrew Congregation Stephen Yoffie was up to the challenge presented by Chris Horan, director of the JCC Sports Camp. At the end of the first week of camp, Chris told his campers that he would shave his head if they could bring...

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