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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Antwerp's Jewish district has something of the feel of a modernshtetl.

In Belgium, national rupture spreads to Jews

By Cnaan Liphshiz, JTAPublished April 29, 2012

BRUSSELS -- Few Jewish couples define their marriage as “mixed” just because bride and groom were born and raised 30 miles apart in the same country. But Linda and Bernard Levy live in Belgium, a country whose long experiment in fusing two distinct...

The aftermath of an attack on a synagogue in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, in 2010.

Toulouse shooting spotlights problems of tracking hate crimes in Europe

By Cnaan Liphshiz, JTAPublished April 26, 2012

BRUSSELS -- Jihadist websites eat up a fair share of Bart Olmer’s workday. He even has passwords to some closed hate forums. “Reading hate speech is part of the job,” says Olmer, who reports on intelligence services for Holland’s largest circulation...

Before Vadim Rabinovich, left, launched the European Jewish
Union, he served as a vice president of the European Council of
Jewish Communities, which met in Berlin in October 2010.

New European Jewish parliament riles existing European Jewish leaders

By Toby Axelrod, JTAPublished February 14, 2012

BERLIN -- A new European Jewish parliament is set to open in Brussels this week, the brainchild of two businessmen philanthropists on a mission to shake up the status quo. Igor Kolomoisky and Vadim Rabinovich, the Ukrainian Jewish moguls behind the body,...

E.U. adopts Iran oil embargo

JTAPublished January 23, 2012

The European Union adopted an oil embargo against Iran. The embargo was approved Monday by the European Union's 27 foreign ministers, during a meeting in Brussels. Under the measure, part of sanctions over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program, the countries...

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