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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Israel’s West Bank plans stir U.S. furor, settlers’ ire

By Marcy Oster, JTAPublished June 7, 2012

JERUSALEM — Israel’s government coupled its compliance with a Supreme Court order to remove buildings from a neighborhood on the outskirts of the Beit El settlement with the announcement of new construction in several West Bank areas. The latter action...

Editorial: Unsettled law

Published May 16, 2012

Here’s a novel concept in dealing with the Ulpana apartment buildings in Beit El, Israel: Apply law and equity, and forget politics. The 30 apartment units are ordered by Israel’s highest court to be demolished by July 1. The court determined that...

The fate of the Ulpana neighborhood is pending a review of Israeli policies on West Bank structures built on contested and privately owned land.

Battle lines drawn in the West Bank’s Ulpana neighborhood, with far-reaching implications

By Eetta Prince-Gibson, JTAPublished May 2, 2012

BEIT EL, West Bank—Alex Traiman stands under a tarp in his spacious backyard as his 10-year-old, Tmima, turns cartwheels on the lawn.“This is our home,” Traiman says, pointing to his single-floor apartment filled with books and children’s toys.“We...

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