Taking family for granted
Published July 11, 2012
The expressions, “The Cobbler’s Son has no Shoes” and “A Busman’s Holiday” make me giggle. I am not sure why but I find them amusing. The joke was on me last week.
Several days after my Blog about the corned beef sandwich, my husband called and asked me for a particular sandwich. He recently had surgery and is slowly recovering. My first response was, “How about tomorrow?” I was nowhere near the place from where he wanted a specific meal.
I drove a few more minutes and called him back. “I will be there in 45 minutes.”
How could I schlep and blog about matza ball soup and a corned beef sandwich meal to the delight of a grateful resident and not get my own spouse an egg salad sandwich?
It seems like the irony many of us possess when it comes to family. Often we find it so easy or natural to help, care for or speak to “strangers” in ways we cannot with those in our circle of love.
We take those closest to us for granted. It seems easier to speak words of kindness or perform acts of loving deeds for “others” while those who need us most may be in pain. Why was it so gratifying to take a meal to a person I have known less than two years but was able to ask my husband to wait until it was convenient?
Lesson learned, Rabbi.