Population swap may be needed
Published March 28, 2008
The “road map ” calls for land to be exchanged for peace. However many are realizing that a population swap may also be necessary.
A recent Jewish Light editorial mentioned the problem of keeping Israel a Jewish State with a large Arab population living in the West Bank. The demographics work against Israel, creating a no-win situation.
But for some unexplainable reason we refuse to see the same problem with the one million Arab-Israelis that will be left behind.
Many say this is not a problem because the Israeli Arabs are currently reducing the size of their families, and by giving them full citizenship we will become a shining example of tolerance.
In a recent interview, Abbas explained that there will be two states. One for Arabs only, and another where Jews will be allowed to live with Arabs.
Populations can increase rapidly if prodded or rewarded, as demonstrated in China after WWII when they tripled their numbers.
Saddam Hussein gave a $10,000 reward to the families of each suicide bomber.
It would not be hard to imagine the Saudis, who have a $1 trillion jihad fund, setting up a $10,000 bonus for every Arab child born in Israel. This alone would add $10 million. But is this even needed, since wiping out the State of Israel through demographics would be seen as the highest of achievements among the Arabs?
Isn’t it clear that Israel will be facing the same demographic problems and accusations of Apartheid even after Israel is divided up? Tiny Israel today is less then 1 percent of the Middle East. How many times can it be reduced?
The 1948 United Nations plan proposed that Palestine be divided into Arab and Jewish sectors, that there would be two separate states. Not one for Arabs and a piece of one for Jews.
The current peace plan calls for thousands of Jews to vacate their homes in the West Bank, same as they were forced to do in Gaza. Why is it unreasonable for Arabs to do the same in the land of Israel? Why is it that only Jews are forced to leave their homes?
How else will there be a Jewish State? Where’s the Two State solution when Israel would simply be today’s majority? Why aren’t our leaders thinking about the future? Why do we delude ourselves?
Larry Lipsitz is a St. Louis businessman who is a board member of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Jewish Committee and Citizens for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Middle East.