Published April 16, 2007
For most of the American Jewish community, last summer’s war between Hezbollah and Israel has faded into their memories.
For kids in northern Israel, however, the trauma still remains. My daughter just received a letter from her 11-year-old cousin, Maya, who, along with her 4-year-old brother, Ron, spent several weeks in a bomb shelter last summer while Katyusha rockets rained down on Nahariya.
Maya wrote that she has finally “gotten over” last summer’s war, but that Ron is still scared to go to sleep at night and refuses to sleep alone.
I hope that children like Ron and Maya never again need to face the horror of last summer. Sadly, however, it appears that another conflagration could occur in the not-too-distant future. In November 2006 — four months after the conflict ended –Israeli intelligence reported that Hezbollah had restocked its arsenal and was in possession of 20,000 rockets of all ranges — more than they had before the July 12 initiation of hostilities. Moreover, last month, in an interview with a Kuwaiti newspaper, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah openly declared that Iran is supplying his group with monetary aid and weapons.
I hope the American Jewish community will campaign vigorously to ensure that Hezbollah is not allowed to rearm, so that kids in northern Israel can sleep soundly at night.
Galit Lev-Harir
Politics and tolerance
I am frequently saddened by the intolerance of many fellow Jews who assert they are liberals, ask for tolerance, yet often do not extend tolerance to fellow Jews who disagree with them politically.
Political polls show that most Jewish voters consistently vote for candidates of the Democratic party. There are many Jews who, for their own reasons, of financial interest, conservative ideas, or preference for one candidate over another, vote Republican.
Too often I hear Jews in conversation look down on fellow Jews who say they vote Republican or support Republican causes and candidates.
As a lifelong Democratic voter, I feel it ill suits those Jews who expect tolerance in the market place of ideas to deny that tolerance to fellow Jews whose opinions may be different from their own.
Merle Fischlowitz
San Diego
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