In a New Light

Jewish Light Editorial

One of the hardest tasks that any publication has when it begins a redesign is trying to figure out the best way to combine the most popular qualities of the old format with the new look and feel it wants to present. That’s been the case with every revised version of this newspaper since its founding as the St. Louis Light in 1947.

We hope that as you read through the pages of this first edition of the new look of the Jewish Light, you agree that we have achieved that goal. Let us know what you like, what you may be less than thrilled with and what other new ideas you might have. 

Change isn’t always easy, but as Editor Ellen Futterman explains in her front-page introduction to the new design, we want the Light to be easy to read, informative and a strong, distinct voice in the ever-growing flood of information available on paper, on radio and TV, on computers, on tablets, on phones and on any other media that may come along.

What might not be evident in the design changes is one big impetus behind the new look and feel of the Light — an effort to have a broader reach into all of the diverse elements of the St. Louis Jewish community.

It may go without saying that such diversity is as broad as it is strong, but we say it to ourselves every day. We want the news, feature and entertainment pages of the Light to reflect our readership — from Orthodox to Reform, from city to suburbs, from active synagogue goers to more casual attendees, and those who do not attend at all, from those who read the paper cover to cover to those who turn only to their favorite parts.

As far as opinions go, given the current dynamic news climate we experience 24 hours a day, we want to present as wide a spectrum as possible. We realize that the Jewish community is far from unanimous in its views on issues from Israel, from Washington, from Jefferson City and Springfield and from the entire St. Louis area.

We also realize that whatever happens thousands of miles away in the Middle East has the potential to affect the 60,000 Jews who live in the St. Louis area, both spiritually and psychologically.

Not everyone will agree with every point made in every editorial, but we work hard to make sure that our arguments are well reasoned, well researched and comprehensive. For those whose opinions may differ, we offer op-ed pieces and letters to the editor to express those views. And we work hard to make sure that the topics we address range from around the world to around the corner.

That’s what the new design is all about — reaching out to the broadest possible readership, providing news and features and opinions that will appeal to everyone and presenting them in a crisp, clean, well organized way. 

Change can be hard. We recognize that some of you will miss your “old” Jewish Light and find the new design hard to get used to. But give us time, and give us your feedback. We think you’ll enjoy seeing yourselves, your families, your neighbors and your fellow congregants in our pages, and we look forward to hearing from you, just as we hope you look forward to hearing from us each week.