Debate continues over CRC

Gerry Rauch St. Louis

After reading the several letters published in the latest issue of The Light regarding the ordination of the two women, I was struck by the intensity of the carefully written letters. However, I was surprised that no one commented on the editorial position taken by The Light itself. Your attitude seemed remarkably unsympathetic to the obvious pain to the St. Louis Roman Catholic Community caused by this gratuitous action. Rather than appreciating that Rabbi Susan Talve’s “hospitality” countenanced what many in that faith community believe to be sacrilegious, your attitude seemed cavalier, that the Church should simply get over it.

While we as a community are quick to voice our displeasure when we perceive anti-Semitism in Church ritual, where is our sensitivity to the great anguish and pain resulting from CRC’s interference in Roman Catholic doctrinal matters?

Sharon Summers

St. Louis

Some of the letters in the Jewish Light regarding two women following their hearts at Central Reform Congregation left out an important piece of information.

Central Reform Congregation practices Reform Judaism. In Reform Judaism congregants follow their hearts when practicing their religion. Rabbis lead and counsel, congregants listen and then make their own choices. This same freedom of choice was allowed to two lovely women who chose to practice their religion as dictated by their hearts. The issue should not be whether or not Central Reform Congregation condoned their choice. Central Reform Congregation allowed these individals to make their own decisions, just as it does for its members.

Carol M. Portman

University City

Would those who agreed with Rabbi Talve’s decision to host the ordination of women priests despite the feelings of the Catholic Church be willing to attend an ordination of rabbis in the Jews for Jesus “denomination” if the Catholic Church offers to host?

Randee Shenkel, PhD

Columbia, Mo.