Lighten Up: Play with your food
Published September 15, 2011
After spending the past 4 months observing a strict diet, readying myself for the competitive bodybuilding arena, I have finally arrived at what I call “off-season”. This is a time when I can allow myself to enjoy food which had previously been off limits, as I was striving to achieve the leanest and most muscular physique possible. As I slowly incorporate these delicacies into my meal plan, I am becoming keenly aware of tastes and sensations, many of which I had actually forgotten.
I am a huge proponent of all things healthy and nutritious. Believing that the food we consume should be thought of merely as fuel for our machine, it seems somehow contradictory for me now to be occasionally enjoying a handful of M&M’s! Yet as I savor the sweet chocolate melting in my mouth, I have come to realize that “indulging” now and then can be a good thing.
Speaking for myself, a sweet treat once a week is all it takes to satisfy the urge to be reckless with my meal plan. For others, however, this can take on a different twist. Sometimes an indulgence can still be on the healthy side, such as experimenting with new recipes, ones that perhaps call for the use of unusual spices or more exotic fruits and vegetables. Wandering down the produce aisle in an organic food store, for example, might open the door to all sorts of untapped potential.
Stepping out of the box with meal planning can be a fun way to invigorate an otherwise routine diet. Playing with different ethnic recipes can take your taste buds on a worldwide adventure without ever having to leave the comfort of your own kitchen! It is certainly possible to retain the healthful qualities of your current intake while indulging in a few changes. Remembering, too, that the occasional extravagance will not set you back terribly, go ahead and treat yourself to something unique and special every once in a while…permission has been granted to “play with your food”!
Cathleen Kronemer, NSCA-CPT, is a longtime fitness instructor at the Jewish Community Center.