Letters to the Editor week of November 16, 2011
Published November 15, 2011
Thanking the Cedars
I want to thank the Cedars at the JCA for providing a wonderful holiday experience for its Jewish residents.
The services were meaningful, and it was good to have Howard Shalowitz as cantor for the Sukkot and Simchat Torah celebrations. The participation of so many volunteers and especially of the Block Yeshiva High School young women (who decorated our sukkah) and young men (who joined us for a service) made us feel the support of the Jewish community.
Those attending the service at Gall Chapel told me how they appreciated the availability of services “just like what we were used to.” Needless to say, those attending the services at the synagogue with Rabbi Yaakov Gertzulin felt the same way.
The Cedars included the traditional foods of our holidays in our meals and the staff’s respectful understanding of the special needs of Jewish residents during these observances is, as always, deeply appreciated.
Rhoda Beth Becker
Resident at Cedars at the JCA
High praise for United Hebrew installation
This last Friday evening I attended United Hebrew’s service of installation in honor of their fifth senior rabbi, Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg.
Congratulations to UH on planning and presenting a beautiful service and oneg. The music was flowing like wine and never once did I look at my watch and think, “How much longer will this go?”
Cantor Ron Eichaker and organist and assistant music director David Cohen worked together to create the magic of the evening that only educated, skilled and trained true musicians can do. David was called upon to compose a musical prayer to the text of “Elohai N’tzor” and he created not only a memorable composition for this occasion, but also music that will become part of UH’s Shabbat services for years to come.
It’s wonderful to see that UH values and recognizes true musicians.
I congratulate UH for deciding to have a celebration that their own community of congregants were able to attend. The oneg on Shabbat was provided by members who volunteered their own efforts to provide home-baked goodies. The dinner Saturday night was priced reasonably so as not to price out any congregants. All weekend the activities were planned to be as inclusive and community oriented as possible.
My only negative comment is that more Jewish leaders of the Reform Jewish community were not there in support of this occasion.
Linda Blumenthal
Creve Coeur