Letters to the Editor: Week of Dec. 24, 2014

Remembering a woman truly young at heart

I would like to expand on the Light’s recent (Dec. 10) obituary about Miriam Poster.

Decades ago I had the good fortune to not just be acquainted with Miriam but to briefly work with her. In the early 1980s, I did a few cable TV interviews at the Jewish Community Center (then the JCCA); one of my more memorable one-on-ones was with Miriam, a sweet and gentle but robust senior. Our televised chat was about her Spartan athleticism and its occasional acclaim in the press and on TV.

For example, she would swim for miles in the J’s pool, then, in mid-winter, jog outside a bit while still in her bathing suit and then roll around in the snow! She noted with a big smile that it was the ultimate refresher and that one needs to frequently push their fortitude.


Years later when I produced a brief public service announcement TV ad, I cast Miriam as the unexpected “senior-citizen” lead. In the opening shot, she eagerly invited (in her heavy accent) viewers to the upcoming Slide-A-Thon fundraiser. The camera zoomed out to reveal that she’s actually in a bathing suit as she quickly slides down a waterslide, whizzing around the steep and winding flume that emptied into a pool filled with children cheering and jumping.

The kids loved Miriam’s spirit and boundless energy. After the on-site shooting was complete and the crew left, Miriam stayed behind, sliding with the children and playing water-tag with them in the pool. Even in “old age” she was young at heart — and endurance.

Ken Bush, Creve Coeur

Respecting law enforcement

It sickens me to no end those who would call police officers “pigs” in total disrespect of the law. This pejorative has shown up a lot lately in the media in light of killings involving black victims and white cops.

 Such a term is demeaning, degrading, and de-humanizing, and I find those who utter such a word reprehensible, despicable, and abhorrent.

 Law enforcement is a very hard, demanding job, and those who put their life on the line everyday to protect the citizenry deserve respect and gratitude. Name calling serves no purpose whatsoever and is totally counterproductive in a civilized society.

 Although those calling police officers by this pejorative are protected by their right of free speech, most assuredly, it is unequivocally and undeniably not the right thing to do.

Gene Carton, Olivette