LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Week of April 10, 2013

‘Gatekeepers’ omits crucial pieces to understanding conflict

In March, I went to see the film “Gatekeepers” (reviewed in the March 13 edition). I went with an open mind to learn more about Israel. I have to say that I am enormously disappointed and enraged that such a one-sided film was produced. Our own Shin Bet is quoted as being extremely critical of Israeli policies.


Every Israeli prime minister, beginning with David Ben-Gurion and all the way to Bibi Netanyahu, is severely criticized for not seeing the “poor Palestinians’” lot and not treating them as the “innocent people that they are.” The fact that many are terrorists is left out of the narrative. The only good prime minister, in their opinion, was Yitzhak Rabin, who wanted to give practically all of Israel to the Palestinians.

A residue from my Holocaust experience is the fact that I always seem to scan an audience to ascertain who is Jewish and who is not. I noticed that 90 to 95 percent of the audience appeared to be non-Jewish people.

This film gives our Christian and Muslim neighbors reason, on a 24-karat plate, to see Israel as mean aggressors and inhumane people — and I deeply resent that. Israel is surrounded by countries that want to obliterate it from existence.

There are stories of the Israelis’ consideration and compassion, but none of these found their way into this film.

Marie Cuttler

St. Louis, Mo.

All-natural chicken soup

I am shocked that the winning chicken soup recipe (March  13  edition) is still using MSG. The chicken bouillon this family recipe calls for contains the very ingredient we ask the Chinese restaurants to leave out of their dishes. It is a little more time consuming, but possible to make a delicious and healthy soup for the Jewish family without using this ingredient.

Bonnie Schneider

Creve Coeur