Letters to the editor: Sept. 18, 2019

Remembering Al Waldman

Like a lot of us “senior-senior citizens,” the first thing I read when I get the Light is “the mitzvahs.” Next, the obits. My “group” gets thinner and thinner. But a recent issue had the passing of Al Waldman. Didn’t have much to say about him — I’d like to add a bit.

In our group, born in the very late 1920s, growing up in the ’30s and then ’40s, Al was, by far, the best all-around athlete. Football and baseball were his specialties. In high school he lettered in gymnastics. Dated soon-to-be wife, Betty. For sure they were Hollywood beautiful and handsome. Both blonde, blue-eyed, “put together.” Al was always sharply dressed, and how he managed that, who knows? No one had money. What also stands out was his always-gentlemanly manner and empathy. One of our group had a lower I.Q. Al mentored him and always included him in everything, even sports. He made sure we treated the guy as equal. Al Waldman was one heckuva guy. Liked and admired by everyone who knew him. 

Gene Liss, House Springs, Mo.


Taking umbrage

Recently, in one of his most ridiculous statements ever, President Donald Trump criticized Jewish-Americans who vote for Democrats, saying it shows either a lack of knowledge or great disloyalty to Israel.

This is the same president, who according to the Washington Post fact checker, has hit the dubious milestone of at least 10,000 false or misleading claims to the American public since he started his presidency.

Now, I ask you, who’s the one showing disloyalty?

Gene Carton, University City